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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Impressions on Motion Plus

I was surprised to see Motion Plus peripherals for sale at Target yesterday in addition to the new Tiger Woods game bundle. And so Motion Plus is now available a year after its announcement.

Got some quick impressions of the Motion Plus functionality after watching my brother play the new M+ enabled Grand Slam tennis game. He was somewhat enthusiastic about getting it but seemed pretty unimpressed after actually playing with it. He actually started playing it without the attachment when I asked for a demo of the game which doesn't say good things about it instantly making game play better for all games that use it.

Still planning on holding off until Sports Resort is released next month for a proper demo of how Motion Plus works, but I'm curious to see how other people's early impressions are panning out.

If I get impatient, I may actually buy Grand Slam myself if I enjoy it enough. The one thing I did notice is that it seems to accurately allow you to put proper top spin or slice on the ball. The other thing I noticed was an extreme amount of lag between when my brother was swinging and when the hit animation played, so it's not exactly 1:1 control.

I'll get second impressions tomorrow when I play a bit more indepth.

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Virtua Tennis is ok, but didn't blow me away. Tiger Woods is real good though. I want to see what Wii Sports Resort turns out to be like. I am interested in the sword fighting on it, and other games, seeing if bowling has been improved.

Most people seem to find Grand Slam Tennis frustrating for the first 3 hours of play, after which they find the game very rewarding. Also, it seems like a lot of people have a tough time with the autorun placing them on the wrong side of the ball, so playing with a nunchuk is apparently the way to go.

I suspect the delay will be because EA is using a gesture-based mechanic which takes into account your follow-through. So it's not going to know where the ball is supposed to go until a moment after your 'racket' connects with the ball. Maybe not the best design choice EA could have made.

Perhaps the best demonstration of the fidelity and responsiveness of WM+ right now is disc golf in Tiger Woods 10.

You might want to check out this thread for more impressions:

And here's one specifically for Tiger Woods:

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

From what I have heard:

Grand Slam Tennis is a bitch early on, and it takes some time (a few hours) to get past an initial learning "block" before you start to appreciate it's controls/gameplay.

(I am imagining this "block" to be similar a the one I found with Wii Sports Boxing, in that you get to a point where you can't figure out what you are doing wrong, but for some reason things just don't seem to work very well.... but if you push through it like I did then it is very rewarding... unfortunately GST seems to have this block pretty much immediately, wheras Wii Boxings early opponents were so stupidly easy it didn't really matter that you hadn't figured out the controls yet, so GSTs downfall seems to be it really should have had a training mode of some kind)

Virtua Tennis is apparently more like Wii Sports Tennis but with more ball control, in that it is more about timing and fast play, rather than methodical ball placement.... It's downfall seems to be a poor online in comparison to GST though.


Tiger Woods 10 however I have heard almost no bad things about it... and despite it originally being low on my list of wanted WM+ games due to it being golf instead of tennis, or Wii Sports Resort.... I think I am more psyched for it than even WSR now.

Man this is turdcorn, from everything I've read on here it sounds like if you were to COMBINE Grand Slam & Virtual Tennis you'd have a primo game. Man it's making it hard to decide which one to get. I already plan on getting Tiger 10, but I really want a tennis game too...ugh.

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

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senortaco said:
Man this is turdcorn, from everything I've read on here it sounds like if you were to COMBINE Grand Slam & Virtual Tennis you'd have a primo game. Man it's making it hard to decide which one to get. I already plan on getting Tiger 10, but I really want a tennis game too...ugh.


I think Grand Slam seems to be the better choice if you are willing to put the time into it..... Virtua Tennis perhaps has more immediate enjoyment, but with it's apparently poor online it's probably only the best choice if you are planning on playing local multiplayer a lot. (Local MP is probably not as fun on GSlam because if no one else has played it before they will all be useless)

Again I am just basing this on the general comments towards the games, I haven't played them.

senortaco said:
Man this is turdcorn, from everything I've read on here it sounds like if you were to COMBINE Grand Slam & Virtual Tennis you'd have a primo game. Man it's making it hard to decide which one to get. I already plan on getting Tiger 10, but I really want a tennis game too...ugh.

Lol you said it perfectly.  I keep swaying one way then the other.  Almost tempted to just buy both as this trying to decide which to get is killing me.

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tuoyo said:
senortaco said:
Man this is turdcorn, from everything I've read on here it sounds like if you were to COMBINE Grand Slam & Virtual Tennis you'd have a primo game. Man it's making it hard to decide which one to get. I already plan on getting Tiger 10, but I really want a tennis game too...ugh.

Lol you said it perfectly.  I keep swaying one way then the other.  Almost tempted to just buy both as this trying to decide which to get is killing me.

Same here.


Tiger Woods is much better. From a practical gameplay standpoint Grand Slam Tennis didn't feel that much different from Wii Sports Tennis despite using WM+.

grand slam tennis got a 7.5 in NP mag. it took hits for the game not being 100 percent on with motion plus and some of the motions being interpreted improperly at times. it is the first attempt at motion plus tennis and i would expect EA to do better with future attempts.
and, what a few others have stated that the learning curve is initially very the game does basically exactly what you if you suck at tennis, guess suck at tennis. some people will prolly prefer the ease of a waggle based tennis than actually suffering through the learning process of actual tennis.

i wouldn't base a be all end all impression on motion plus by this game.