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I was surprised to see Motion Plus peripherals for sale at Target yesterday in addition to the new Tiger Woods game bundle. And so Motion Plus is now available a year after its announcement.

Got some quick impressions of the Motion Plus functionality after watching my brother play the new M+ enabled Grand Slam tennis game. He was somewhat enthusiastic about getting it but seemed pretty unimpressed after actually playing with it. He actually started playing it without the attachment when I asked for a demo of the game which doesn't say good things about it instantly making game play better for all games that use it.

Still planning on holding off until Sports Resort is released next month for a proper demo of how Motion Plus works, but I'm curious to see how other people's early impressions are panning out.

If I get impatient, I may actually buy Grand Slam myself if I enjoy it enough. The one thing I did notice is that it seems to accurately allow you to put proper top spin or slice on the ball. The other thing I noticed was an extreme amount of lag between when my brother was swinging and when the hit animation played, so it's not exactly 1:1 control.

I'll get second impressions tomorrow when I play a bit more indepth.