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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official: ( Forza 3 ) Thread

matt247 said:

I hate Gamestop

I haven't vistit this thread since page 19 more or less, I had to go through each page to see what I've missed, it took me a while to read the latest updates and replays, it was a good read, long but good..

Anyway, I learned that Forza 3 will have stock cars, drag races, but is it confirmed?  Oh, and what I always have wished ..Yeah! Pickup Trucks, yo. I saw a picture of a SRT Dodge Ram, my favorite of all, it's the fastest prodution truck ...Dont open the hood you might run into a viper in there..

The lastest pictures look awesome like the classic Corvette Stingray, loved to see the new 2010 Camaro SS "bad boy car" make it to the list.

Forza 3 is looking wicked and full of new features everytime there's an update ..

So hopefully Forza 3 will have , Nascar, drag, what about Drifting, I heard drifting somewhere but im not sure where.

Gotta love the intergrations of Pickups and Sport Utility Vehicles......

Is there any picture in Forza of the Infinty FX50 yet ..

Now, reffering to the special edition Forza package, it has a cool keychain but what's with the USB drive? will it be compatible with the 360? for saves and stuff?  It seems to be connected directly to a laptop..   btw, I like the way it lights up.


My Trigger Happy Sixaxis controller



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I hope they release bigger HDDs soon, because the local stores are out and I'll need one for my Xbox 360 so I can move my 60GB to my 20GB and get a bigger one for my main Xbox 360. My 20GB is almost out of space and I will need to install this on both!!! ;_;


Squilliam said:
I hope they release bigger HDDs soon, because the local stores are out and I'll need one for my Xbox 360 so I can move my 60GB to my 20GB and get a bigger one for my main Xbox 360. My 20GB is almost out of space and I will need to install this on both!!! ;_;

Me too, I am right out of space now (only got a 20gb), I wanted COD map pack 3 and trials hd on wednesday but looking like I don't have the space for them now, very upset right now, i'll be ok, just leave me be.....

FKNetwork said:
Squilliam said:
I hope they release bigger HDDs soon, because the local stores are out and I'll need one for my Xbox 360 so I can move my 60GB to my 20GB and get a bigger one for my main Xbox 360. My 20GB is almost out of space and I will need to install this on both!!! ;_;

Me too, I am right out of space now (only got a 20gb), I wanted COD map pack 3 and trials hd on wednesday but looking like I don't have the space for them now, very upset right now, i'll be ok, just leave me be.....

Actually you can hack the Xbox 360 HDD and install a 120GB Western Digital (so long as you order the right model). But you'd need to backup your saves... Actually blow it, I'll do that since I have two HDDs anyway!


Squilliam said:
FKNetwork said:
Squilliam said:
I hope they release bigger HDDs soon, because the local stores are out and I'll need one for my Xbox 360 so I can move my 60GB to my 20GB and get a bigger one for my main Xbox 360. My 20GB is almost out of space and I will need to install this on both!!! ;_;

Me too, I am right out of space now (only got a 20gb), I wanted COD map pack 3 and trials hd on wednesday but looking like I don't have the space for them now, very upset right now, i'll be ok, just leave me be.....

Actually you can hack the Xbox 360 HDD and install a 120GB Western Digital (so long as you order the right model). But you'd need to backup your saves... Actually blow it, I'll do that since I have two HDDs anyway!

Let us know if it works!

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^ Will do, though at the same time if I wait I can hack in a larger HDD! Hmm nah I'll just jump in, don't need a bigger HDD than 120GB and I'd pay more for the physical drive anyway.


I was just looking at a new post Thomas from fanatec posted off his blog Its a very nice review/setup guide for the new Clubsport pedals and they posted this little tidbit of info..


New Innovative Vibrating Brake Feature
Without having tested this yet I can only assume it is like the rumble feature used on the throttle with a Fanatec wheel. My assumption is it can help simulate a locked tyre or possible flat spotting. Perhaps it depends how it is implemented into a game.

This new feature is working on selected PC titles.
However I am awaiting further information from Thomas regards support for this on consoles.

I can confirm big news however, that Forza Motorsport 3 is to support this new feature with a X360 system update

This may actually be the first console game to do so. Without doubt this will be a fun feature to further enchance FM3 including "Clutch" and "H-Shift" gears. This also helps benifit X360 owners achieve a new level of simulation for those who purchase these pedals with their Turbo S wheel.
It will be less likely Gran Turismo 5 will support this with it's previous past with the Logitech brand.

wow T10 really did an incredible job

Man I remember my friends old school Supra... we smoked out in that car so much, it turned yellow and sticky inside over time..

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