I was just looking at a new post Thomas from fanatec posted off his blog Its a very nice review/setup guide for the new Clubsport pedals and they posted this little tidbit of info..
New Innovative Vibrating Brake Feature
Without having tested this yet I can only assume it is like the rumble feature used on the throttle with a Fanatec wheel. My assumption is it can help simulate a locked tyre or possible flat spotting. Perhaps it depends how it is implemented into a game.
This new feature is working on selected PC titles.
However I am awaiting further information from Thomas regards support for this on consoles.
I can confirm big news however, that Forza Motorsport 3 is to support this new feature with a X360 system update
This may actually be the first console game to do so. Without doubt this will be a fun feature to further enchance FM3 including "Clutch" and "H-Shift" gears. This also helps benifit X360 owners achieve a new level of simulation for those who purchase these pedals with their Turbo S wheel.
It will be less likely Gran Turismo 5 will support this with it's previous past with the Logitech brand.