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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The rumors were true: Nintendo games can now play themselves!

Pyro as Bill said:
Why would it be bad for online multiplayer?

Left 4 Dead allows you to sit out and watch the action.

It's not fair to the people that want to play online multiplayer with people that have flaws and react uniquely, when they instead are playing with a bot meant to perform well to demonstrate necessary gaming skills to some guy or gal sitting on a couch watching. It's plenty fair to the viewer, it's just not fair to everybody else that didn't sign up to play with bots all day long.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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theRepublic said:
Onyxmeth said:
theRepublic said:
Onyxmeth said:
theRepublic said:
Noname, in your scenario, a player who gets stuck and uses this feature is eventually going to get bored of the game playing itself and quit. If this feature did not exist, a player who gets stuck will get frustrated, give up, and quit. The end result is the same, so what is the harm in trying this new feature?

If I get his replies correctly, he's basically saying exactly what you are, that it's simply not the solution Nintendo is looking for as it won't yeild any different results. There's no true harm in trying, but it is possible noname's scenario has some truth to it. It's a matter of finding the feature that assists the expanded audience into building their own skills, as opposed to witnessing someone else perform theirs. This is essentially the equivalent of watching your friend play to gain experience in a game, and I don't recall that ever having a profound effect on getting a bored or uninterested potential customer base more interested in gaming.

I think the real problem is the game this is feature is having it's test drive on. If this were Zelda it would probably be a bit more beneficial. How does one improve their platforming skills, or even have any fun watching Mario jump around and clobber enemies as 3 others are sitting down actually playing? This is a title purposely created to have multiple players actually playing it and with so many potential real life helpers assisting you in the game already, was this really the right game to try this out on? I mean it would make more sense just to have bot helpers jump in as players 2-4 if you happen to be playing be yourself, because at least you're still playing the game.

The way I see it, if this feature works as intended, great!  If it doesn't, then the end result is the same as if it wasn't there in the first place.

I think that's basically what noname is saying also, in just many more words. It's not going to bring about the apocalypse and crush Nintendo's infrastructure if it doesn't work, but he and I feel this isn't going to give any better results than just doing nothing at all. I think Nintendo is probably going to have to come up with a different solution to the problem, if they would like some assistance feature to have any profound effect on bringing in an even more confused and overwhelmed audience that sees even motion controls and tutorials to be too daunting to get the hang of.

It sounded to me like he thought it would cause more people to quit than if it wasn't there, thereby having a net negative effect on gaming.

Maybe I should just wait until he comes back, so he can clear this up.

Well if that's the case then I don't agree with that. The way I see it, it'll benefit those motivated enough to watch a video and use that to enhance their experience to get to a regular gaming level, and also deter those that use it to become complacent and lazy until they bore of gaming and quit. Basically I see the two canceling eachother out and not accomplishing much at all, just different people that get bored of gaming than before. Those that would have strived off the frustration may instead become the disinterested gamer constantly pushing the win button until they bore of gaming and realize they're spending $50 to watch someone else play a game they can't. Those that would have quit gaming out of frustration instead have a healthy medium (and a vitality sensor) keeping them in check and holding their hands until they can do enough for themselves to become a productive gamer, and not just a witness.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

There will be people who will get deeper into gaming as there will be people who will be driven away by this feature. The question is what the ratio will be. We can't really determine the answer. I think it's at least worth trying. If this isn't successful, don't you think Nintendo will abandon the idea? They are determined to expanding the gaming audience, and if they learn that this feature doesn't fulfill the role they want it to fulfill, economic reasons will make them stop. I'm fairly sure they'll closely watch the effect on different players and try to quantify it. So I don't really understand your fear, because IMO the baddest thing that could happen would be temporary, hitting a dead end and reverse that development.

About the patent wording vs Miyamoto's interview: I don't think it would make sense in a platformer to only show how to beat a section and then not allowing the player to continue from there. So I hope it will be implemented that you can actually skip parts. I would be totally ok with this if the game tags a stage that was completed using this feature, so that players still have an incentive to later beat it without help.

For Zelda, I'm more interested in the video mode, where the game only shows you how to beat a section rather than playing for you. That's because I was always more interested in the puzzles than combat. But even the boss fights are more of a puzzle, if you figure out the weak spots it's not really hard. But I think that Zelda in contrast to Mario is a game where difficulty settings were appropriate.

NJ5 said:
Pyramid Head said:
really sad day for gaming

if you cant game, dont game

if you want to watch something, rent a movie

a lot cheaper, then 60 bucks to watch mario jump around afor a few hours

It's safe to assume that you won't buy Forza 3 with its "one-button racing" option, right?


He may rent Forza 3 for $60 instead.


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I have not read all the comments but here is my thoughts.

It seems fine to me. I will never use it but there are time my wife will see me playing a game and decides she would like a go but she is not into any fighting bits, example, Zelda : Twilight princess, she likes the puzzle solving and exploring and the story but has not got enough skill with a game control or the desire to learn how to fight battles with it. With this new system she can play the game how she likes.

I also agree that it give the developer the option to keep levels challenging for the experanced player as any one else can demo through.

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Hey, Noname. You should put the other part of the patent (late on page 1, you posted it) in the OP. Most people won't read every comment, and yours is easy to miss.

@noname, what you're describing is called a microwave, and it did not kill hardcore cooking.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
@noname, what you're describing is called a microwave, and it did not kill hardcore cooking.

But that's not at all what he's saying! Or well, what I think he's saying that is.

There are people who only eat microwave food, aren't there? I've seen a fair bit of programs/read a few articles that have this as a major problem. The majority of these people should know that eating microwave food isn't as good for you, but they simply don't know how to make anything else. At an earlier point, they had the choice between cooking "real" food and microwave food. They chose microwave food.

I'd say this fits right in with his analogy.


Another thing, Noname never (at least as far as I know) said anything about killing the hardcore market. He said this would stop "casual" gamers from becomming "bridge" gamers. What this does is, rather than expand the market, actually preventing people from becomming more serious gamers.

Old Rock said:
I have a question though...did the information given to us said that we could "skip" the level or we could see how the level should be tackled and then trying it out? (it's very confusing >.<)

If the latter is what Nintendo is planning to do then except for puzzle based events, the player could still fail the level. The level will be easier but it still depends on the player's skill on how easy the level will eventually be. For me, knowing how to clear World 8 Fortress Level in SMW doesn't make things much easier but it gives me an insight of what will come next. It may decrease the surprise factor but it was still difficult. Maybe that's what their trying to do?

I don't see them using the former but if it is the case then the fun-factor will surely decrease.


You could "skip" the levels in SMW... did the fun-factor decrease for you in that game also?

Smash Bros: 2363-5325-6342 

There's a difference between speed-running a game and using skills to get there or letting the game skip the levels for yourself. o_O

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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