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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony fans/supporters it's time to put Megaman.2.'s nonsense to rest!

He's hilarious!

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Light Yagami said:
That Makes No Sense At All. Only Sony Fans.

Yea, only Sony fans.

..but would you have us any other way? 

Light Yagami said:
That Makes No Sense At All. Only Sony Fans.

why do you capitalise every word?


i always think your posts are titles of books

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

coolbeans said:
non-gravity said:
coolbeans said:
Wow, I wonder if this thread would've happened if he didn't post thread about the 360. "NO"

Wow, I wonder if WW1 would've happened if Serbians hadn't killed the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. "YES"

Comparing an assassination to a thread, nice try.  I'll give you another shot to see if your comeback could a bit more relevant to my first post.

Go back to history class

non-gravity said:
coolbeans said:
non-gravity said:
coolbeans said:
Wow, I wonder if this thread would've happened if he didn't post thread about the 360. "NO"

Wow, I wonder if WW1 would've happened if Serbians hadn't killed the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. "YES"

Comparing an assassination to a thread, nice try.  I'll give you another shot to see if your comeback could a bit more relevant to my first post.

Go back to history class

Would Germany of likely won WW2 if the RAF didn't bomb Berlin? YES!

Im just revising for a History exam I got this week

There's no such thing as off-topic in a thread like this

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Hmmmm, I need more popcorn if this thread is going to continue much longer. Good stuff!

Also, special thanks to PSRock for this quote, which deserves to be thrusted into the limelight again....

"If we do have an election, who ever finish 3rd is the winner. We do things Sony style here."

That got a big chuckle. Self deprecating humor shows comfort. Comfort shows honest confidence.

Also, I would like to resurrect this post from Wenlan....

Gamers: UMD need to go~
Gamers: I want internal HD~
Gamers: PSP is too big, it's a joke to use it as a MP3 player~
Gamers: PSP's battery doesn't last long~

Sony: There you Go, PSP Go for you

Gamers: Fail!
Gamers: Ugly!
Gamers: Where is my 2nd analog stick?
Gamers: Too expensive!
Gamers: I don't want it!

Sony: Nintendo has the true vision to target the "casual" market, they don't complain, they just pay....

I know its a little off-topic, but it's fun and humorous. On topic, these are the kind of quotes that show Sony fans can support our console and be cleaver and comfortable with a bit of subtle (or not so subtle) humor thrown in for good measure.

coolbeans said:
non-gravity said:
coolbeans said:
non-gravity said:
coolbeans said:
Wow, I wonder if this thread would've happened if he didn't post thread about the 360. "NO"

Wow, I wonder if WW1 would've happened if Serbians hadn't killed the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. "YES"

Comparing an assassination to a thread, nice try.  I'll give you another shot to see if your comeback could a bit more relevant to my first post.

Go back to history class

Would love to give you a third try champ, but your last post was just as bad as your first on this thread.  (Even more :P) Off-topic, not sure why I need to go back to history class when my last post was what happened to Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

I think we understand each other.

Can i through my name in for sony leader?

coolbeans said:
non-gravity said:
coolbeans said:
non-gravity said:
coolbeans said:
non-gravity said:
coolbeans said:
Wow, I wonder if this thread would've happened if he didn't post thread about the 360. "NO"

Wow, I wonder if WW1 would've happened if Serbians hadn't killed the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. "YES"

Comparing an assassination to a thread, nice try.  I'll give you another shot to see if your comeback could a bit more relevant to my first post.

Go back to history class

Would love to give you a third try champ, but your last post was just as bad as your first on this thread.  (Even more :P) Off-topic, not sure why I need to go back to history class when my last post was what happened to Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

I think we understand each other.

Ahhh so now I started the post that wasn't relevant?  Was that before or after I was referring to his post about calling himself the Sony leader and saying he said the 360 is the must-have HD console this gen among other things?

You sure you want to continue this

Your second post from this quote was kinda whatever

Sorry bro, I have to nod my head in.