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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Malstrom: "the whimper of hardcore dreams".

Squilliam said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Sorry Squill, the problem for the Purple wand is that there is no initial base for it, while the Wiimote has a 50 million plus base, by the time the purple wand is out it'll probably be somewhere between 75-95 million base, so there will be little reason to port to the Purple wand over the Wiimote

If the libraries already exist, then theres no marginal cost for using them on the PS3 version as well. It costs them precisely nothing to use them, so why would they not? Even another 50,000 sales would justify the effort. The Wii M+ software base will help Sony, they could not have released their peripheral if M+ didn't exist. Its a free level of adoption, which is why we only found out about it once the M+ peripheral was about to be unveiled.

True, but your forgetting the nunchuk, which thus far Sony has no answer to, and I feel it is necessary for any of these motion systems to be compatable with the greater majority of core genres.

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Sorry Squill, but itnot free, in fact it has a high cost, two reason, first the Wii is graphically very weak compared to the PS3, and secondly, even achieving a 50K sales on the PS3 for the wand for a ported Wii game will be difficult.

Even if the games exist on the Wii, the cost to upgrade graphics to PS3 level quality will b off the chart, and if you try to do a direct port, the graphical quality will be too low for people to want to buy the games, especially if they feel they have to buy an extra peripheral for the game.


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

Avinash_Tyagi said:
Sorry Squill, but itnot free, in fact it has a high cost, two reason, first the Wii is graphically very weak compared to the PS3, and secondly, even achieving a 50K sales on the PS3 for the wand for a ported Wii game will be difficult.

Even if the games exist on the Wii, the cost to upgrade graphics to PS3 level quality will b off the chart, and if you try to do a direct port, the graphical quality will be too low for people to want to buy the games, especially if they feel they have to buy an extra peripheral for the game.


Yes, PS3 owners would never accept last gen graphics, no matter what the gameplay benefit would be. Otherwise, they would own a Wii by now.


I don't see why so many people are in love with such a condescending jackass. Continue to copy and paste his articles if you will, but I'm sure none of the people here would be giddy if there was a constant barrage of anti-Wii articles. Oh wait, there was. And a bunch of Nintendo fanboys freaked out about it.

Point is, stop posting articles from assholes such as Malstrom. Thank you for your time.



Haha man I just love this guy! Nice read and thanks for sharing.

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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superchunk said:
Squilliam said:

2010 will be too late, 2009 is already too late as well. The third party publishers have helped to define what role the Wii plays and what role the Xbox 360 and PS3 play in the market. The content moves to the market and the market moves to the content. What that means is that there are far more HD console FPS fans (In spite of many professing the Wiimotes superiority here) there are more WRPG fans, there are more... etc. The fans which select which market to go to have already made up their mind. Im not saying that the Wii will not make progress around the margins, im saying that the Wiis role as a whole has been mostly defined already.

Last gen had >200m consoles sold. This gen has proven to add a lot of console owners so it should easily break 250m, yet only about 100m have been sold so far, with already a very high number of multi console ownership.

As the big games show on Wii in equal or superior overall games, or as exclusives, so too will more multi-console ownership and the remaining 150m+ future console owners.

Your belittling the eventual growth of the industry. Wii will gain 50% marketshare this year and will continue to move upward in core title ownership. Its motion controls will define the control ownership as much as dual shock did in the past and NES/SNES before that.

What im saying is this:

Much of how the current console generation will play out has already been set in motion. They way forward now is not fully reliant on user experience or technology. The Wii will continue to outsell the rest of the field. However with Wii M+ Nintendo are being directly challenged, its not a free ride. Sony and Microsoft were content to not challenge the Wii until this technology appeared and then they timed their response to match.

Sony is targetting the Wii at a position centred slightly upstream from where Wii M+ exists, they want the best Wiimote clone out there, they want to best the original technically. Their goals are likely to prevent the Wii from gaining ground in their core areas and to take advantage of the Wii M+ adoption to fuel development for their own mote copy because they couldn't release a challenger until M+ appeared.

Microsoft is targetting the Wii at a position centred just below where Nintendo entered the market. They are not relying on Nintendos own actions to drive their response like Sony is, and their goal is to attack the Wii in its expanded market. Natal is closer to WiiFit than the Wiimote itself. If Sony wants the gamers and Nintendo wanted the non gamers, then Microsoft could be said to be going for the not gamers part of the market. It sounds funny and its a slightly misleading analogy, but thats the best I can think of.


Avinash_Tyagi said:
Sorry Squill, but itnot free, in fact it has a high cost, two reason, first the Wii is graphically very weak compared to the PS3, and secondly, even achieving a 50K sales on the PS3 for the wand for a ported Wii game will be difficult.

Even if the games exist on the Wii, the cost to upgrade graphics to PS3 level quality will b off the chart, and if you try to do a direct port, the graphical quality will be too low for people to want to buy the games, especially if they feel they have to buy an extra peripheral for the game.

I was talking about programming libraries. They are portable between the Wii and PS3 even if the graphics are not. Since they are paid for by expected Wii M+ adoption then it would cost them nothing extra to use them on the PS3. Graphics are irrelevant, this could just as easily apply to a PS3 exclusive game as it would to a game which is PS3 360 Wii.


Bladeforce said:
@ squilliam

"If the libraries already exist, then theres no marginal cost for using them on the PS3 version as well. It costs them precisely nothing to use them, so why would they not? Even another 50,000 sales would justify the effort. The Wii M+ software base will help Sony, they could not have released their peripheral if M+ didn't exist. Its a free level of adoption, which is why we only found out about it once the M+ peripheral was about to be unveiled."

PLEASE if you dont understand disruption I wouldnt talk about it you obviously just dont understand it!

No, you don't understand. By moving towards Sony's core competency, Nintendo gives them a chance to respond.


Squilliam said:

What im saying is this:

Much of how the current console generation will play out has already been set in motion. They way forward now is not fully reliant on user experience or technology. The Wii will continue to outsell the rest of the field. However with Wii M+ Nintendo are being directly challenged, its not a free ride. Sony and Microsoft were content to not challenge the Wii until this technology appeared and then they timed their response to match.

Sony is targetting the Wii at a position centred slightly upstream from where Wii M+ exists, they want the best Wiimote clone out there, they want to best the original technically. Their goals are likely to prevent the Wii from gaining ground in their core areas and to take advantage of the Wii M+ adoption to fuel development for their own mote copy because they couldn't release a challenger until M+ appeared.

Microsoft is targetting the Wii at a position centred just below where Nintendo entered the market. They are not relying on Nintendos own actions to drive their response like Sony is, and their goal is to attack the Wii in its expanded market. Natal is closer to WiiFit than the Wiimote itself. If Sony wants the gamers and Nintendo wanted the non gamers, then Microsoft could be said to be going for the not gamers part of the market. It sounds funny and its a slightly misleading analogy, but thats the best I can think of.

While I agree with your sentiments of why MS and Sony made their motion controls and their goals, I disagree with your assumption about Nintendo wanting (only) non gamers.

Wii launched with Nintendo quickly suppling a solid mix of new market/casual games and a big dose of their biggest core IPs. This allowed them to capture their core group as well as bring in droves the expanded market.

3rd parties failed to see the core and only went after the expanded for better and worse. However, now with Wii being so high in marketshare and that trend continuing, 3rd parties are also bring their core titles as well. Its obvsious from the drought of big Nintendo games in 2009 that this was the year Nintendo wanted 3rd parties to step in and push their IPs. Its starting to show.

However, based on this E3 and demos of 2 Mario games and a metroid game, we can tell 2010 will bring another round of strong 1st party core titles. As well as many more quality 3rd party titles.

That's the whole point to disruption.

1. Satisfy your existing audience.

2. Use disruptive tech to expand to typically non consumer of your good.

3. move upstream over time to capture remaining core group.

Wii has successfully done 1 and 2. 2009 and 2010 will demonstrate a successful move on 3.

MontanaHatchet said:
I don't see why so many people are in love with such a condescending jackass. Continue to copy and paste his articles if you will, but I'm sure none of the people here would be giddy if there was a constant barrage of anti-Wii articles. Oh wait, there was. And a bunch of Nintendo fanboys freaked out about it.

Point is, stop posting articles from assholes such as Malstrom. Thank you for your time.

Just because you disagree with his presentation doesn't mean his substance is any less valid and especially valid on a sales/trending centric site.