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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Malstrom: "the whimper of hardcore dreams".

I don't know about your information, but MS's gaming division has so far not made a profit and Sony just posted a 1 billion dollar loss as a whole last year, do I think they are going out of business? no of course not, but if they want to keep surviving, change is in order, and that's what they are doing. calling it a competition.... not so much, they are getting whooped.

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aderoche said:

The Wii gets the gimped version because of it's inferior system specifications. How on earth will a "fractured motion controler landscape" inhibit a "strong porting environment" when user input makes up such a tiny part of a games develpment costs?

Yes, that's my thoughts aswell. I don't think it's because of controlls either. I think most of it is proccessing power and stuff like that.

Of course I've heard others say that motion controlls kept ports from coming to the Wii.

aderoche said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Legend11 said:
So lets see. Third-parties are already able to port games between the PC/PS3/360/Wii which have different control schemes, different architectures, different specs, etc, but will have trouble porting games in the future? If it's so difficult to port games how is it able to be done between the PC and Wii now? There will likely be just a small subset of games that couldn't be done (just like there's a small subset now) but that hardly justifies the outlandish claim Malstrom is making.

How often are games ported from 360/PS3 and the PC to the Wii? Not very often, usually Wii gets a gimped version, or gets a PS2 port, the idea that a fractured Motion control landscape will maintain a strong porting environment is extremely unlikely

The Wii gets the gimped version because of it's inferior system specifications. How on earth will a "fractured motion controler landscape" inhibit a "strong porting environment" when user input makes up such a tiny part of a games develpment costs?

You pretty much nailed it.

Avinash_Tyagi said:
aderoche said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Legend11 said:
So lets see. Third-parties are already able to port games between the PC/PS3/360/Wii which have different control schemes, different architectures, different specs, etc, but will have trouble porting games in the future? If it's so difficult to port games how is it able to be done between the PC and Wii now? There will likely be just a small subset of games that couldn't be done (just like there's a small subset now) but that hardly justifies the outlandish claim Malstrom is making.

How often are games ported from 360/PS3 and the PC to the Wii? Not very often, usually Wii gets a gimped version, or gets a PS2 port, the idea that a fractured Motion control landscape will maintain a strong porting environment is extremely unlikely

The Wii gets the gimped version because of it's inferior system specifications. How on earth will a "fractured motion controler landscape" inhibit a "strong porting environment" when user input makes up such a tiny part of a games develpment costs?

A few reasons, first the controls of NATAL are very, very different than those of other gaming systems, it has no controller whatsoever, so it has to work differently than the Wii, and Sony's wand has no analog stick, again very different han the Wiimote, meaning controls will be a much bigger part in the fututre, in addition Nintendo is going to continue to have lower graphical capabilities in its sytems than its competitors, just because they want to build a cheaper machine, so again there will be differentation in that regard, also who knows what new features Nintendo's next system will have that its competitors do not

NATAL is not a complete solution by itself, most games will ignore it or use it in conjunction with the existing controler, same with Sony's new controller. Both 360 and ps3 have controllers that work for now and as for next generation? Any fragmentation will be more a result of differences in system specifiactions not controller input.

Mealstrom is claiming that HD gaming is only surviving because three consoles '360/PS3/PC' can be supported and once this is divided HD gaming will die bacause Nintendo is cheaper. He discounts the possibility that fragmented HD systems would see one win and take control of the HD gaming landscape. HD gamers will not move to the Nintendo until their products can provide us with the experiences we want.

ummm, I think what he's trying to say is that the devices won't really get supported, not that they will die, at least that's how I read it. which is the obvious, he didn't really type anything new for me, but for some people, it might be a thought that didn't come across their minds.

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dahuman said:
I don't know about your information, but MS's gaming division has so far not made a profit and Sony just posted a 1 billion dollar loss as a whole last year, do I think they are going out of business? no of course not, but if they want to keep surviving, change is in order, and that's what they are doing. calling it a competition.... not so much, they are getting whooped.

MS Gaming division is profitable and has been for a couple of years now. The XBOX is the only significant revenue maker in the EDD, mobile and zune are substantial money sinks.

dahuman said:

ummm, I think what he's trying to say is that the devices won't really get supported, not that they will die, at least that's how I read it. which is the obvious, he didn't really type anything new for me, but for some people, it might be a thought that didn't come across their minds.

I think his conclusion is correct but his analysis is wrong.

I think because of their inability to sale these devices to a large enough percentage will keep 3rd parties from supporting them. Which will in turn make it even harder for them to get any market share with them and the cycle will continue from there.

Malstorm...I hate that guy. He talks so much %^&*.

aderoche said:
dahuman said:
I don't know about your information, but MS's gaming division has so far not made a profit and Sony just posted a 1 billion dollar loss as a whole last year, do I think they are going out of business? no of course not, but if they want to keep surviving, change is in order, and that's what they are doing. calling it a competition.... not so much, they are getting whooped.

MS Gaming division is profitable and has been for a couple of years now. The XBOX is the only significant revenue maker in the EDD, mobile and zune are substantial money sinks.

right, on a yearly basis, they've made money for I think, 2 years or so? but their xbox division overall hasn't made real money, still red o_O

liquidninja said:
dahuman said:

ummm, I think what he's trying to say is that the devices won't really get supported, not that they will die, at least that's how I read it. which is the obvious, he didn't really type anything new for me, but for some people, it might be a thought that didn't come across their minds.

I think his conclusion is correct but his analysis is wrong.

I think because of their inability to sale these devices to a large enough percentage will keep 3rd parties from supporting them. Which will in turn make it even harder for them to get any market share with them and the cycle will continue from there.

yeah, I think his problem is not wording things clearly, and instead used a narrative form of typing things out, which is probably why people are calling him an asshole. kinda like putting salt on an injury that's already wide open?