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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what u guys think? Should nintendo be worried about MS and Sony Toys?

It nice to hear what people will try and say...

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no, both wont see the light of day for at least a year at best. and then tell me the catalog of games for them.

hell wii motion+ is released in july and bundled with like 5 games. and others using it as well. and that is month away. and for all 50 million wii owners only 20$ more for motion+, who knows how much the others cost. Let alone PS3 owners need to get an eyetoy as well, i doubt that has even 5% of ps3 owners.

so i doubt any worry at all. i bet more relief than worry. Developers will see this and be like, well i guess we have to do motion. so lets get started on the wii.

lol i agree....Developers are just going to look at it and be like..any ideas? will this be any good for Halo? Final Fantasy?

ha yea look at all the games shown in microsoft and sony conference and all the games that everyone goes nuts over and hypes up. I don't see them being good with these new things. Or at least if they are pumped for them they are huge hypocrites. I mean how often do you hear I don't want to swing my arm constanly to swing a sword in zelda or kingdom hearts.

yet all the HD games are like that or a FPS. does seem like will help much. well besides the IR type thing it seems for sony device.

lol...u know one thing is to have a very good peripheral....but to implement is a completely different story...

Who in the heck is going to play first person like that?

one question am i right or wrong? but sony wand....u cant move forward right?

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maybe next gen, but not his one.

And even then, Nintendo will already have the market recognition.

theprof00 said:
maybe next gen, but not his one.

And even then, Nintendo will already have the market recognition.

true it could be like the music business.  no matter how many features, how cheap, if better or whatever the case.  no portable music player is gonna touch the ipods.  


they are just the cool thing, and first thing thought of when think of it.  Hell I don't even own an ipod and stil refer to any mp3 player as an ipod.  just like how a lot of older folks who had kids growing up with nintendo think of all games as nintendo system.  and those who kids grew up with playstation call all systems playstations.  


sony and microsoft have to hope that nintendo hasn't reached this point yet or they are gonna be screwed.

yeah agreed..this E3 was fun to watch... i know all 3 were going to come out with games.

But i was so eagerly waiting on what were they bringing to the table in terms of motion sensing lol

They have so much work to be done lol

Will nintendo come up with a camera system to? I mean look at the Ds now...