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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What can NINTENDO do to win E3 now & is Wii Dead?

Incubi said:
After seeing the Ubi conference, I just cant help but feel nintendo execs was laughing their heads off during the MS conference, tbh

I never thought this could be true... but it is...



Around the Network
AkibaFan said:

What can nintendo do to win

is wii dead because of the xbox 360 motion? (people on neogaf think it is)

The Wii is not dead, unless Microsoft goes on a crusade with the motion thing and bundles it with the arcade and creats a very very aggressive ad campaign.


In other

Times Banned: 12

Press----------------> <----------------Press

axumblade said:
bardicverse said:
axumblade said:
Incubi said:
So much for NATAL

Looks like Wii Motion Camera will be available this fall allready packaged with some Fitness game from Ubi Soft. Prolly will sell truckloads.

Meh. It's a Ubisoft camera. Not a Wii camera to my knowledge. Meaning that if Ubisoft owns the rights to it, I'd expect Imagine, Rabbids and Red Steel games to utilize it but not so much anything else. Maybe Nintendo titles.

The technology behind it is the same as NATAL, so pretty much what can be used on Natal can be used on the Ubisoft camera.

Ultimately, this pretty much gives Wii owners the same tech that MS was hoping to lure them over to the 360 with.

I wouldn't assume that there would be great quality behind the Wii camera as there would be behind microsofts. The most interesting thing was the interactivity between the game and the person through Natal at the Microsoft conference. Also flipping through menus without the use of a controller was a really cool feature as well. While I think that the Ubisoft camera might be interesting, I wouldn't exactly say that it's going to have nearly the innovations that Natal has...

So... Natal is good because it flips menus?? Come on... that's software. The interpretation of movements. I don't want Natal for that. Damn... I don't eben know what's Natal for!! (neither anyone else). At least Ubi launchs it with a purpose (that I honestly don't want, but understand).

Now... if you tell me Natal is to flip menus ok... I'm clarified and decided that I don't want it.



"Project Natal = two Eye Toys stuck together with duct tape," perhaps?

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

axumblade said:


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

Around the Network
axumblade said:
bardicverse said:
axumblade said:
Incubi said:
So much for NATAL

Looks like Wii Motion Camera will be available this fall allready packaged with some Fitness game from Ubi Soft. Prolly will sell truckloads.

Meh. It's a Ubisoft camera. Not a Wii camera to my knowledge. Meaning that if Ubisoft owns the rights to it, I'd expect Imagine, Rabbids and Red Steel games to utilize it but not so much anything else. Maybe Nintendo titles.

The technology behind it is the same as NATAL, so pretty much what can be used on Natal can be used on the Ubisoft camera.

Ultimately, this pretty much gives Wii owners the same tech that MS was hoping to lure them over to the 360 with.

I wouldn't assume that there would be great quality behind the Wii camera as there would be behind microsofts. The most interesting thing was the interactivity between the game and the person through Natal at the Microsoft conference. Also flipping through menus without the use of a controller was a really cool feature as well. While I think that the Ubisoft camera might be interesting, I wouldn't exactly say that it's going to have nearly the innovations that Natal has...

innovation is not the right word for it, natal might have more impressive tech behind it, or maybe the ubisoft one is just as good, I'm sure either way, consumers don't really give a damn, but cameras have been done before.

wow wtf happened?

Edit your previous post, you broke the code.

I can't even see the button to do that.

We must push this to the next page >_>

Former something....