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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360

   kojimaowned,..?????? wellcome  to  the ''realwolrd$$$$$$$$$$ '',,sony fans..  



''Halo reach''.. sell 7.m first week ,Believe¡¡¡¡¡¡







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i registered just to tell this guy he was complete fail


Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Read the title.

No MGS MAIN series will be on 360.

Metal Gear Raiden Rising certainly sounds like an offshoot.

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama

and MGS4 was NOT announced .... so good luck getting the story. Youll have to watch youtube videos before you buy Rising just to understand whats going on. LOL...

dont worry. There's going to be more announcements tommorow at Sonys coneference. Perhaps a MGS5

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama

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I suppose we'll be hearing outraged cries of Microsoft money hatting now.........



Lol.. Now.. like I said, there will be no MGS4 on 360.  The rumor can finally die.  However, the next Metal Gear will be on 360, and as well as PS3 (I think).  And, if not, what do I care?  I own 2 360's and a PS3.  It'll give me reason to use them for the 1st time since October.  But, opening poster said SERIES, I said MGS4's not coming to 360.  Which it wont, and hasn't.

MGS4 made 4 million sales.. Not bad at all, but, I dont think it's right for PS3 game sales to go completely into the production of a 360 game.. That's weird..

Anyway.. Back when X-Box started, I hated it with a passion.. When 360 came along..  I still hated it.. just.. not as much.  After this E3 confrence, which sucked in the beginning, somehow redeemed itself like I was hoping it wouldn't.  Now, I think X-Box is just ok..  I think they're moving forward to compete with nintendo.. which is cool.. I don't like nintendo at all anyway.

Also, METAL GEAR RISING IS PART OF THE MAIN SERIES.  IT'S THE SEQUEL.  He's trying to deny the fact he just got owned.  Besides, it's a new MGS title, dude, you know nothing of the story, who's to say it's not part of the main series.  I like MGS and Sony over microsoft too, but facts are facts.


You should leave VgChartz for a few days to let this blow off. You got owned just admit it and move on with your life.

Thechalkblock said:
TheTruthHurts! said:
Money speaks louder than words and past quotes, especially in these trying times. Last years FFXIII E3 announcement for the 360 proved, anything is possible this generation.

Even if it is released for the 360 I will still maintain the series on my PS3, but I only hope it goes multi-platform. The more people who can experience the series the better.

We all know Square Enix is as loyal as a mercenary, they'll do anything for money. Kojima is different, even when it would have been a good idea to make MGS4 mult-plat back in the day he didn't do so, and even as times get worse I can't imagine him going against what he has stood for in the past, loyalty.

The 360's best bet at getting MGS Next is that it's a timed exclusive.

I totally failed lol