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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Exactly How will the PS3 Slim be Possible?

When the New Ps1 came out I understood...The Tech was old by that time so it would not be hard to downsize.....

With the PS2 alot of the Internal features were removed due lack of Support...Mainly the HDD Dock (I'm not sure if the PS2 slim went online or not.)

How will the PS3 be slimmed down?..

What can Sony remove that future PS3 games will not need?

I know that some Tech savy Guys are on this site and some Techie wannabes too....

Does any one have  ideas?


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Smaller chips are rolling by, by doing so they will reduce manufacturing costs so their researchers were already researching this.

The PS2 slim actually had the ability to go online without the dock so they actually added that feature to all the consoles!

I think it is possible since the technology behind the console has gotten smaller and thus less heat being generated so no need for such large heat tubes and fans etc so hence this would reduce the size quite a lot!

Theyll remove any uneccesary things like they did with the PS1/2

They have already significantly shrunk the size of the mobo with the move to a smaller chip architecture and the removal of the (essentialy) entire ps2 contained within the 60gb model.

The move to a smaller chip architecture and loss of internal ps2 has also allowed them to shrink the power supply, and cooling system.

They could go the route of using a power brick to gain further size reductions.

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Squall_Leonhart said:
The PS2 slim actually had the ability to go online without the dock so they actually added that feature to all the consoles!

I think it is possible since the technology behind the console has gotten smaller and thus less heat being generated so no need for such large heat tubes and fans etc so hence this would reduce the size quite a lot!

The one's with the Dock where able to go online as well....(Except the Launch models)


Zizzla_Rachet said:
Squall_Leonhart said:
The PS2 slim actually had the ability to go online without the dock so they actually added that feature to all the consoles!

I think it is possible since the technology behind the console has gotten smaller and thus less heat being generated so no need for such large heat tubes and fans etc so hence this would reduce the size quite a lot!

The one's with the Dock where able to go online as well....(Except the Launch models)

Ah i see! Well i had the launch model so mine was not able to go online and then later bought another of the 'fat' PS2's that was not able to go online either so as far as i am aware it was only the slim's that had the in-built ethernet port... Could be wrong though!

There not really going to remove anything, everything is just going to be shrunk down, and I can imagine theres going to be an external power brick so that'll help with making more room.

Simplest explanation? The PS3 uses less power now than the Xbox 360 at launch so therefore fitting the components into a chassis which is equal or less than the internal volume of the Xbox 360 is definately possible. This isn't a 'slim' per se, its a relatively 'slimmer' design.


A lot has been changed already, Some space was already saved by the time they released the PS3 in Europe without the full hardware backward compatibility of the PS2.... now that the other PS2 chip is gone too that's something.... also there are a number of ports and such that never even made it to the first PS3s, but they had already been designed into the current shell, so there is a decent bit of space inside a PS3 you buy today.

Of course it isn't going to be anything like the sexy PS2 slim... but it might be shrunk to something similar to the original PS2 size.