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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Epic + Sony at E3

Sony and Epic apprently have a deal to release another exclusive game on the Ps3. They were busy on GEow2 last year. But theyve been relatively quiet since then. Could E3 be the time they reveal this exclusive? The timing seems right.

"Half way through this podcast hosted by they touch base on the Sony & Epic deal. It is stated that Epic and Sony might be working on a PS3 game that deals with the Gears of War universe not necessarily Gears of War 2. The deal that Sony and Epic signed was a multi-part deal, so there could be other things besides the UT3 exclusivity deal."


And now this:

"There have been numerous reports of Sony mounting a big announcement at E3. Even though E3 is always filled with major announcements, thus far, Sony has been on the receiving end for a major Metal Gear Solid announcement and Square Enix MMO announcement. Let’s add one more to the mix.

Next Tuesday Sony and Epic Games will announce a brand-new horror based title exclusively for the PS3. The game will be utilizing the more refined Unreal Engine 3 than found in Gears of War 2.
This will be the second Epic title to land on the PlayStation aside from Unreal Tournament 3. However, unlike Unreal Tournament, this game will remain an exclusive. The game should see release this winter. All this information is from a very credible source."








"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama

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ewwww..keep them off PS3

Been posted.


Xxain said:
ewwww..keep them off PS3



this is old, but still relevant

"Epic Threatens to Move Gears to PS3?
Linkin Park Fan | May 31, 2007 | News | Playstation 3 XBOX 360
Supposedly Epic is unhappy with Microsoft. They say that they might even move Gears of War to the PS3 because of their frustration with the software giant. Since Epic were also one of the first to show off their game engine running on early PS3 development hardware at E3 '05 it seems that they already have some development experience and some knowhow on working with the platform.
"After the recent fanboy grab for MGS4, it would seem that this is an equally valid argument at this stage in the generation. As many of us know, Sony Pictures is working in correlation withj FoxHound Studios to bring the MGS movie out of the dark. This is considerable leverage for exclusivity rights that often gets overlooked in the ongoing debate regarding MGS4 and it's true home, the PS3.

On the flipside, it would seem that Developer/Publisher relations between Epic and Microsoft Game Studios is at an all time low and even spilling out into the public. In short, Epic has had to break every rule they've laid down for themselves and their reputation with the PC gaming community in the name of Microsoft profiteering... and they know it!

Cliff Bleszinski of Epic has even been quoted as threatening Microsoft to port over GeOW to the PS3 to try to leverage some developer rights over the content of the game and XBox Live, but they have already inked the contract and Microsoft is winning much to the chagrin of Epic. Is there a change in the tides over at Epic? Have they learned their lesson from doing business with the devil? Unreal Tournament games have always used OpenGL in correlation with DirectX in the PC sector. These guys were also one of the first to show off their game engine running on early PS3 devleopment hardware at E3 '05. It seems almost like a perfect match. "

The ball is definitely in Epic's court right now. They definitely have Microsoft by the sack on this one."

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama

Post it in the other thread

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Seems unlikely that they would go through all that trouble refining the engine for Ps3 and not re-using it for a new IP.

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama

Geoff K hinted today on twitter that Cliffy would be at both MS and Sony conference. The game is probably that survival horror title that's been rumored

What does Sony have to offer that MS does not?

PSP with a huge user base. Many developers port their games, or make off-shoots on handhelds. (MGS, FF, God of War, Resistance, KZ Liberation, etc)

Sony Films. Probably has something to do with MGS4 remaining exclusive. Sony can offer these movie deals, MS cannot. Developers want their games to be made into movies because 1) more money for them from movie sales, 2) the game/title/franchise will become even more popular.

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama