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Forums - PC Discussion - any dota players?

geo is great though, he only gets bad if the game goes really long. I've had some of the most dominant games being geo, this is what you get for him
vladimir's offering
assault curraiss.

as soon as you get level 16 you can go kill roshan by yourself, and of course you get levels way faster than everyone else. if you want to be even more dominant you just feed your late game heroes money once you buy those 4 items, because you will have plenty of it.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

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but how do you manage Geo ?

it is quite hard if I remember.

Geo = 4 unit linked = 4 WEAK unit linked

Time to Work !

yea but you can get way more money and each geo you get gets his own experience, meaning with 4 geos you get 4x the experience. In some games i'm in i will be level 25 while the other team is 12-15. Geo is one of the most dominant characters unless the other team takes you out right away when they see you. the mekanism helps too.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

I play DotA too much. I'm pro with Naix. You can own Puck with Naix and SA. As for Geo I prefer to go with Tide and then Stack Battlefury's and add a Radiance for good measure. Anyways What are your guy's username on Battlenet?  My best finishes have been with Naix. Best was 29-0 and second best was 35-5.
My usernames on Dota are Astrodust, Computer(loony), and ikillsentinels. I'm looking to start a clan if anyones interested. You gotta prove yourself though.



naix is insane
but I remember having problem to play him at the beginning of the game

Time to Work !

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the only problem with naix is that heroes with bash will still bash you even if you use avatar. faceless void can own naix, and he can just time walk away if he doesn't want to fight you.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Anyway, I'm bored, and nervous since I have a job interview for a good career in 6 hours, so instead of trying to sleep, I'll compose a list of 5 strongest heros:

1: Terrorblade: Umm, here's the thing about terrorblade. A pathetic, noob terrorblade is still fantastically deadly. You can go 20-0 with him without a single use of his ult. Give him an eye, some damage and attack speed, and watch everything die under the assault of metamorphisized clones. Life steal is only worth it if you're being nuked, otherwise, power up. Counter: Mass stun/Obsidian destroyer: He has no escape, counts on pure decimation. If you find the right one and keep him down, he'll go down, just watch the Sunder.

2: Slithice: How do you like being netted for 5 seconds? How do you like your 5 man ambush turning to nothing as you all fall asleep? How do you like your base defence disappearing as 4 slithice clones put you to sleep, kill your base, then walk away without a care in the world? Thought so.

(Interlude Rant): Manta Style. Idiots praise this item with clone heros like it was god. See, problem is, the item itself is good against: Leoric/Medusa. That is it. They already have clones! The item slot can be put to infinite better use for the 6.4k. The purge is nice, but eye also slows things down, or you have a god damn net. Don't waste your money for all of 16 damage and 2 more clones. (Does not apply to non clone heros)

3: Phantom Lancer: There are two ways to play. You can be an annoying shit, and nuke/run, which works very well, until people shrug and buy wards, and then your hero is completely useless. Why people believe this is unstoppable when 200 gold will kill you is unknown. The second method, is build up your fighting and clones asap. You start slow, but without mass nuking support, you'll just begin to eat up enemies and heros, then just become stronger and stronger.

4: Syllabear: First hero without a clone ability! But he has a bear. A big bear. A bear that stuns for 3 seconds and carries items. Here's a hint: You are stronger than your bear. Your bear is a better stunner than you. So build up your attack power, then build up your bear's stun. Hint 2: If your bear is about to die, feel free to send it home to heal, or kill it. Sure, you lose some life, but they don't get the 100 gold or large experience.

5: Spectre: Teleport instantly to an enemy hero? Check. Walk through walls? Check. Return 16% of damage without any reduction? Check. Seems only minorly threatening till late game and your crit for 1200 just gave it a triple kill. Whoops!

Notice a weird trend? Agi heros are easily the most powerful late game. Early game, you have your int heros to stop them, and stop them they must. Now, my favourite:

Most overrated: Magina. Sure, he's a dangerous hero. If you let him farm for 40 minutes or have someone feeding him. Same thing if you let keeper of the light do that, and he'll drain your mana even quicker!. He's pathetically weak, with 1 good move in blink. Best response: Fight him. Even as an int hero, but you want to nuke first. Use all nukes, then fight him. Unless he's smart and got hp, he'll die. And bonus, if he didn't get boots, nuke him and run. That 700 HP takes very little to take down.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

Also, fun dirty tricks:

Have Avernus shield a character with blink strike, have them jump in and begin the fight! Always a good time, especially if they only have 400 hp. Bonus if they have the 5 second cooldown already.

Rhasta/Keeper of the Light/Slithice/Keeper of the light: It's even more fun to net someone and watch them try to run as keeper begins to charge his nuke. Ensures no one stays nearby with less than 700 hp.

Morphling heal: A fairly obvious one: In a fight you don't want to be in? Agi to str is always good for a 160hp/sec heal! *Warning: Don't do this if you expect a long chase. You'll run out of mana to waveform most likely.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

we should play some dota sometime, my name on is Bonesaw69

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

johnsobas said:
we should play some dota sometime, my name on is Bonesaw69

I've added you to my friends list under my ikillsentinels username. I'll look for you sometime. Be afraid.