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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie: Price Cuts are baaaad. Software is goooood

@proof - sorry but every post you are the one keep mentioning those genres. Reggie never said that but you, that's why I said that the world doesn't revolve around those genres, simply because you keep mentioning. About the 3d companies stepping up it can be more about stop being coy and release more quality games not necesarily those genres.

and about the non gamer...if he/she plays wii fit or wii sports I think that it makes him/her a gamer, isn't?

So it all sums up that a very personal interpretation by you? ok then...

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I'm simply going by what reggie said. "need for diversity". What constitutes diversity? Games that are not currently represented on the system. If he indeed said it about quality, then I would have to admit that I am wrong. But I really really doubt that. I think you are more into playing devil's advocate than discerning what he's really saying.

he said diversity, and it would make no sense to interpret that as quality.

I think you just want to use that interpretation because it makes me wrong. By your logic, everyone is a gamer, even Mao Tse Tung and Cinderella. I'm just calling them what they are. I can own some stocks, but that doesn't make me a stock-trader. I can go to a baseball game but that doesn't make me a fan. I can go on forever.

Waste of breath talking to someone who only wants to be right more than anything else.

EDIT: jeez this is what i get for saying that reggie said that nintendo was trying to bring more diversity to the wii in the form of recently announced games (like 3-4 FPSes.)

dude, if somebody plays a videogame is a gamer. I don't see where is the flaw logic in that. It seems more that you are the one who doesn't want to be wrong.

anyone that cooks is not a chef.

Like I said, when I was being very polite about it;

" I'm only talking about traditional ideas. A "non-gamer" would be someone who bought the wii for something like wii-fit or something similar. It is only because there is really no other word to describe this demographic that I used non-gamer. I don't know what you would want me to call them. The only inference here is that they are not the type to be drawn by so-called traditional gaming."

What should I call people who aren't attracted by platformers, rpgs, 3rd person games and the like?
Just because the letters "er" appear at the end of the word "gamer" it does not make the word "a person or thing that games". Gamer implies that they have some investment in gaming.

For some reason you want to apply the most broad meanings to everything today. Diversity can mean quality, someone who played a video game is a gamer... what next? Am I considered an editor when I hit edit on my post?

IF you are going to respond to anything, respond to this following statement:
There is a difference between people who only use wii fit or occasionally play wii sports when friends come over, and people who are interested in many genres of gaming. Would you prefer I call them casuals? Because I know you have an irrational problem with that word too.

EDIT: maybe the difference is that some people play games to play them and some people USE them to relax... anyway please respond to the previous point.

chef is a profession. Videogamer it isn't. Videogamer is a hobby.

I think that you are for example, comparing it with a movie goer from movie lover. Well honestly I don't think that games are simmilar and they hasn't get there yet.

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Also I won't reply to your point because:

a) is obvious that you see "real gamers" and "the common folk" which is something that this industry doesn't need

b) you are very agressive towards me and that's a turn off keep calling me irrational and other stuff

and no I won't click the ignore user button on you..

Let's do this: grow up, get down from you cloud and then call me back ok? meanwhile go an keep "investing in gaming".

let's just agree to disagree.

In the future, if you are going to debate the semantics of of word with me, don't bother. You obviously understand me when I say the people I am talking about have no real vested interest in gaming. So at the moment we are just arguing the meaning of an unestablished word.

My side: I'm using a word that has a consensus definition. Most people will agree that gamer means someone who plays games as an enthusiast. I consider anything less a "person who plays videogames/ videogamer".

Your Side: There is no official definition of gamer at the moment. Maybe one day there will be, but right now I refuse to accept a word that isn't strictly defined. Gamer can mean enthusiast, hobbyist, wiifit user, or someone who has played minesweeper once.

Let's leave it at that.

Bobbuffalo said:
Also I won't reply to your point because:

a) is obvious that you see "real gamers" and "the common folk" which is something that this industry doesn't need

b) you are very agressive towards me and that's a turn off keep calling me irrational and other stuff

and no I won't click the ignore user button on you..

Let's do this: grow up, get down from you cloud and then call me back ok? meanwhile go an keep "investing in gaming".

you won't even agree to that simple statement.

Are you offended that I possibly don't consider you a gamer? Don't sweat it, because I don't give a rat's ass who you are. Who you are and what you do make no difference to how I am going to talk to you. You could be the queen of england or a convicted felon. I will still give the same amount of respect that I would give anybody, and I've slathered it on liberally in this strange discussion.

Let's take gaming out of the equation:


bolded because I want you to answer that question. As long as you agree to that bolded statement, you agree with me completely, because it is the boiled down version of what we are talking about.

I apologize for being aggressive. I am merely confounded and annoyed that you cannot agree with me. I see a difference between every shade of color. millions of colors each are different. In that same way, all words and peoples are different. You would have me say that they are all the same. Maybe you are an existentialist?

Really, consumers are prepared to pay most anything if the product is good. For my dad, the wii atm being more expensive than the xbox in aus, said the xbox was the worse choice because the wii just offered everyone soo much more. rather than just me or my brother. as long as the price isn't the $1000 AUD that ps3 was at launch and the system is quality, people will buy it!

i have to agree with him on that one



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