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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Conduit making Wii Haters scared (ie. fake review)

What the...

Have you lost your mind, thread creator? That fake review was INTENDED to teach a lesson to EVERY ONE, not just haters OR Nintendrones. Too many people simply look at the score and don't bother reading the review.

Seriously, children should NOT be allowed to have opinions on things like this...


megaman79, this is for you and all of the people who CONTINUALLY IGNORE FACTS:


The BuShA owns all!

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mjc2021 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
mjc2021 said:
griffinA said:
I hate it when people declare that if The Conduit sells poorly the wii won't see anymore third-party games. The wii will see third-party games regardless of The Conduits success or not.

1. Third-parties will not ignore a userbase of that size

2. Japanese third-parties will always want to develop for wii as it has Dragon Quest X coming which essentially gurantees that the wii will win there.

3. There are plenty of third-party efforts already. The Wii's upcoming lineup is awesome and it's just about exclusively third-party.


Obviously 3rd party companies will not ignore the Wii especially considering userbase. Unfortunately, the large userbase doesn't exactly give better software sales. The HD console have smaller userbases but still manage to typically get better software sales.


Wrong. NPD proved the Wii sells more software, whether total or 3rd party.


Oh, well if you say NPD proved it you must be right.


Since NPD is the accepted standard for domestic sales, their word carries weight.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Arius Dion said:
griffinA said:
I hate it when people declare that if The Conduit sells poorly the wii won't see anymore third-party games. The wii will see third-party games regardless of The Conduits success or not.

1. Third-parties will not ignore a userbase of that size

2. Japanese third-parties will always want to develop for wii as it has Dragon Quest X coming which essentially gurantees that the wii will win there.

3. There are plenty of third-party efforts already. The Wii's upcoming lineup is awesome and it's just about exclusively third-party.



I agree with this 100%. The only people echoing such nonsense are the fanboys hoping this would be the case. The Conduit is not a "messiah." It is a game attempting to diversify the Wii library. After Prime 3 I no longer cared for dual analogue for aiming and have been waiting patiently for another game to nail the controls. W@W was a decent game and online is cool, but this game is attempting to surpass that. I can careless about reviews or fanboys on forums telling me a game sucks or is good, I reserve judgement for myself.

I'm alittle disappointed that Madworld is considered a flop and is now some sort of benchmark for "M" games on the Wii, that's such a tired argument, especially when there are other M games on Wii that have went platinum, 2 or three of them fps. I think the Conduit will find succes, how much is not known, no one truly knows what will be a hit or not.

But the fear is obvious and has been apparent since the games inception. One of the problems with this gen is people would rather battle in forums than enjoy games. They'd rather dice up and designate certain types of games  and gamers "casual" and "hardcore."

I'm actually working on that.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

I read what the author of the review said.

He is right, after all: A saw a lot of idiots in the VG Chartz foruns saying "What? 6.5! Im not gonna buy this! Waaaaa"


Seriously.... play it for yourself before you decide if the game is good or not.


I must confess it is not my kind of thing, i dont like FPSs that much. But i will get some way to try the game, and if it plays great, im gonna buy it.

Even if IGN gives it a 4.5 score.

Hold on, if this occurred to any other massively hyped game on any other system it would be unforgivable. I don't understand why somebody would do this and i think people that believe his excuse are dumber than the writer himself.

I don't need to learn a lesson, everyone looks at scores before reading the reviews, i don't need this game to be the lesson and it shouldn't have to be.

I CALL BULLS--T, he's a Wii hating idiot with self delusions and now he's admitting liability but excusing himself for a lesson he was teaching us? what a load of -----

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

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Nothing to be scared about to be honest. I'm not a huge fan of the Wii but if you guys enjoy this game, then good for you.

megaman79 said:
Hold on, if this occurred to any other massively hyped game on any other system it would be unforgivable. I don't understand why somebody would do this and i think people that believe his excuse are dumber than the writer himself.

I don't need to learn a lesson, everyone looks at scores before reading the reviews, i don't need this game to be the lesson and it shouldn't have to be.

I CALL BULLS--T, he's a Wii hating idiot with self delusions and now he's admitting liability but excusing himself for a lesson he was teaching us? what a load of -----


Give it a rest, megaman79. Why do you care so much in the first place? Wouldn't it make sense to get all the PS360 fanboys to cry 'flop' and then say "Oh, yeah, it was a fake review. You guys are pathetic"? I mean, I think that's an awesome thing that he owned that many people.


Seriously, take a chill pill on that and look at what he says he meant. Doesn't that make you feel any better at all?

The BuShA owns all!

Vertigo-X said:

What the...

Have you lost your mind, thread creator? That fake review was INTENDED to teach a lesson to EVERY ONE, not just haters OR Nintendrones. Too many people simply look at the score and don't bother reading the review.

Seriously, children should NOT be allowed to have opinions on things like this...


megaman79, this is for you and all of the people who CONTINUALLY IGNORE FACTS:


calm down, we all can be friends. With a lot of fanboys that hates the Wii, is obivious that a lot of people will think that is another fanboy wanting to slander the FIRST EXCLUSIVE FPS (from a third party) on the wii that looks excelent. You don't need to call him of a child, and he doesn't looks like one.

megaman79 said:
Hold on, if this occurred to any other massively hyped game on any other system it would be unforgivable. I don't understand why somebody would do this and i think people that believe his excuse are dumber than the writer himself.

I don't need to learn a lesson, everyone looks at scores before reading the reviews, i don't need this game to be the lesson and it shouldn't have to be.

I CALL BULLS--T, he's a Wii hating idiot with self delusions and now he's admitting liability but excusing himself for a lesson he was teaching us? what a load of -----

I coudnt care less about this review guy and what he likes or deslikes.


But dont you agree that people should play a little bit of the game before deciding if the game is good or bad based on some site or magazine  opinion?


(damn, Nintendo should really work on a Demo channel for the Wii. If people took the time to play just a little bit of MadWorld, they would fall in love)

LordTheNightKnight said:
mjc2021 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
mjc2021 said:
griffinA said:
I hate it when people declare that if The Conduit sells poorly the wii won't see anymore third-party games. The wii will see third-party games regardless of The Conduits success or not.

1. Third-parties will not ignore a userbase of that size

2. Japanese third-parties will always want to develop for wii as it has Dragon Quest X coming which essentially gurantees that the wii will win there.

3. There are plenty of third-party efforts already. The Wii's upcoming lineup is awesome and it's just about exclusively third-party.


Obviously 3rd party companies will not ignore the Wii especially considering userbase. Unfortunately, the large userbase doesn't exactly give better software sales. The HD console have smaller userbases but still manage to typically get better software sales.


Wrong. NPD proved the Wii sells more software, whether total or 3rd party.


Oh, well if you say NPD proved it you must be right.


Since NPD is the accepted standard for domestic sales, their word carries weight.


 Hell, the site we're on right now proved that the wii sells more software

"Pier was a chef, a gifted and respected chef who made millions selling his dishes to the residents of New York City and Boston, he even had a famous jingle playing in those cities that everyone knew by heart. He also had a restaurant in Los Angeles, but not expecting LA to have such a massive population he only used his name on that restaurant and left it to his least capable and cheapest chefs. While his New York restaurant sold kobe beef for $100 and his Boston restaurant sold lobster for $50, his LA restaurant sold cheap hotdogs for $30. Initially these hot dogs sold fairly well because residents of los angeles were starving for good food and hoped that the famous name would denote a high quality, but most were disappointed with what they ate. Seeing the success of his cheap hot dogs in LA, Pier thought "why bother giving Los Angeles quality meats when I can oversell them on cheap hotdogs forever, and since I don't care about the product anyways, why bother advertising them? So Pier continued to only sell cheap hotdogs in LA and was surprised to see that they no longer sold. Pier's conclusion? Residents of Los Angeles don't like food."

"The so-called "hardcore" gamer is a marketing brainwashed, innovation shunting, self-righteous idiot who pays videogame makers far too much money than what is delivered."