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Arius Dion said:
griffinA said:
I hate it when people declare that if The Conduit sells poorly the wii won't see anymore third-party games. The wii will see third-party games regardless of The Conduits success or not.

1. Third-parties will not ignore a userbase of that size

2. Japanese third-parties will always want to develop for wii as it has Dragon Quest X coming which essentially gurantees that the wii will win there.

3. There are plenty of third-party efforts already. The Wii's upcoming lineup is awesome and it's just about exclusively third-party.



I agree with this 100%. The only people echoing such nonsense are the fanboys hoping this would be the case. The Conduit is not a "messiah." It is a game attempting to diversify the Wii library. After Prime 3 I no longer cared for dual analogue for aiming and have been waiting patiently for another game to nail the controls. W@W was a decent game and online is cool, but this game is attempting to surpass that. I can careless about reviews or fanboys on forums telling me a game sucks or is good, I reserve judgement for myself.

I'm alittle disappointed that Madworld is considered a flop and is now some sort of benchmark for "M" games on the Wii, that's such a tired argument, especially when there are other M games on Wii that have went platinum, 2 or three of them fps. I think the Conduit will find succes, how much is not known, no one truly knows what will be a hit or not.

But the fear is obvious and has been apparent since the games inception. One of the problems with this gen is people would rather battle in forums than enjoy games. They'd rather dice up and designate certain types of games  and gamers "casual" and "hardcore."

I'm actually working on that.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs