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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Bethesda announcing ‘really big’ Wii game this year

So, I actually read on another forum Kotaku said this would be the Bethesda Wii game. I looked trough the site but couldn't find anything. Is it true?

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Orca_Azure said:
The wii is in serious need of a good wrpg. The closest thing they have to one would be no more herpes- though it's japanese theme is hard to overlook


 The closest thing to a WRPG coming out for wii are Valhalla Knights and Monster Hunter 3 i'd say.

"Pier was a chef, a gifted and respected chef who made millions selling his dishes to the residents of New York City and Boston, he even had a famous jingle playing in those cities that everyone knew by heart. He also had a restaurant in Los Angeles, but not expecting LA to have such a massive population he only used his name on that restaurant and left it to his least capable and cheapest chefs. While his New York restaurant sold kobe beef for $100 and his Boston restaurant sold lobster for $50, his LA restaurant sold cheap hotdogs for $30. Initially these hot dogs sold fairly well because residents of los angeles were starving for good food and hoped that the famous name would denote a high quality, but most were disappointed with what they ate. Seeing the success of his cheap hot dogs in LA, Pier thought "why bother giving Los Angeles quality meats when I can oversell them on cheap hotdogs forever, and since I don't care about the product anyways, why bother advertising them? So Pier continued to only sell cheap hotdogs in LA and was surprised to see that they no longer sold. Pier's conclusion? Residents of Los Angeles don't like food."

"The so-called "hardcore" gamer is a marketing brainwashed, innovation shunting, self-righteous idiot who pays videogame makers far too much money than what is delivered."

I maybe wrong but didn't Bethesda said long time ago that they think Wii is for kid and they got no intention to make game on Wii?

However ,it good to have more 3rd party support on Wii.And i hope Bethesda gonna make something huge as they promise. :D

The wii needs more A rated games, to offset the shovelware to good game ratio. Hopefully this will do some good.

I said it elsewhere: I'm not holding my breath. I've never liked Bethesda's works, and on top of that they've made disparaging comments about Wii before

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Around the Network
Mr Khan said:

I said it elsewhere: I'm not holding my breath. I've never liked Bethesda's works, and on top of that they've made disparaging comments about Wii before


That was a couple years, though, when the industry still hoped the Wii was a fad. Now only the most delusional or desparate think so. And those are the gaming press and people on message boards, not developers.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

--OkeyDokey-- said:
This got me wondering... has there ever been a WRPG on a Nintendo system... ever? o_O

X-Men Legends 1 & 2 and Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Fallout Thrii?

LordTheNightKnight said:
Mr Khan said:

I said it elsewhere: I'm not holding my breath. I've never liked Bethesda's works, and on top of that they've made disparaging comments about Wii before


That was a couple years, though, when the industry still hoped the Wii was a fad. Now only the most delusional or desparate think so. And those are the gaming press and people on message boards, not developers.

It was as recent as GDC this year, if i remember correctly


Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

This won't be Bethesda's first offering on the Wii, guys. Bethesda released Star Trek: Conquest back in late '07. And it was a horrible offering that left a bitter taste in my mouth about Bethesda.
