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Forums - Sony Discussion - TGS07: White Knight Story trailer

 This thing sure has some giant ass monsters. 

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What is the fighting like in this game?

Will know soon enough since its playable at tgs.

damn I want this game really bad. Level 5 is such a good developer from what I saw in Dark Cloud 2 and what I heard about Rouge Galaxy(need to play this game right quick). and what is this Chronicles thing? new title?

Damn....I am totally getting that....DC 1 was....meh....2 was awesome as hell....and this looks......awesome.


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I loved DC2, so I have high hopes for this game.


note that the player playing Suxs

he keeps canceling combos

Gameplay look really nice.

And yes the person playin sucks.

The environments look gorgeous....especially the horizon...I think the character animations look a bit stiff, though. Well, they look the final fantasy walking animations...not nearly as much a jump here graphically as there is in the level design.

the environment was absolutely gorgeous. The gameplay seems similar to FFXII, but it was hard to see anything new because that guy really did suck.