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Forums - Sony Discussion - Further KH Compilation Confirmation- New Kingdom Hearts on PSP

Next Main KH game sneak peek they say at TGS, probably for PS3 so they are just assuming.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

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Dolla Dolla said:
My Kingdom for a translation.

Any takers?

Neogaf translation (dunno if it is right but should be):

- V Jump has the scoop on the new KH Project
- Those two pics represent the new game(s)
- The one with Sora and Mickey shows Mickey saying he's been here "on that day" before
- The one with Axel and Roxas shows them at the XIIIOrg chamber and "the one chosen by the keyblade" is mentioned
- These might not be the SAME game because....

- Not one game, but many
- Not a single platform but more than one
- No remakes, all new original stories
- Nomura confirms in his note that he's in discussions with Disney, so there WILL be Disney Worlds and it's not a S-E solo fanwank

- Full news at TGS.

The platform of the screens is not mentioned but they look like the PSP game that is expected. It can't be DS/360/PS3 and looks too crappy to be Wii or even PS2 (unless the quality of KH games is going down...unlikely).



Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

I hope your right CK. I would change systems just for this game. I would rather not and have it come to the PSP or PS3 though. Kingdom Hearts is one of the most popular games in the World so I expect there this, MGS, and Final Fantasy to be the most anticipated at TGS. Do you see how all the FF7 forums came back closer we got to TGS?


another reason to get a PSP... sweet

ckmlb said:
There's no way that's a DS game and if it is a Wii game it looks worse than a PS2 game... not good quality for Wii.

Definitely think it's a PSP game.

I think it's PSP too (granted, I see nothing in the scan that says PSP). It looks like it was lifted right out of the PS2 games, so I hope it's *not* a Wii game because Wii can do much better than that graphically, unless this is early beta shots.

This could be a DS game though. Chain of Memories on the GBA used in-game models and environments during its FMV sequences. The DS could be doing the same, though I don't see the should be capable of having its own graphical style.

And because they're spinoffs and lesser games, I don't expect them to be on PS3. 

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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Oh man.....I hope they reveal KH3 for PS3. That would be so awesome. I mean, he says not JUST for one platform, I would imagine that original platform is PS3.

Edit...the hell...anybody else notice that Mickey is wearing a bunch of Sora's outfit? 


Man I am going to blow so much money this gen. I have to buy a DS, a PSP, and all these games from SE alone. Ah what an awesome generation this will be =D