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Dolla Dolla said:
My Kingdom for a translation.

Any takers?

Neogaf translation (dunno if it is right but should be):

- V Jump has the scoop on the new KH Project
- Those two pics represent the new game(s)
- The one with Sora and Mickey shows Mickey saying he's been here "on that day" before
- The one with Axel and Roxas shows them at the XIIIOrg chamber and "the one chosen by the keyblade" is mentioned
- These might not be the SAME game because....

- Not one game, but many
- Not a single platform but more than one
- No remakes, all new original stories
- Nomura confirms in his note that he's in discussions with Disney, so there WILL be Disney Worlds and it's not a S-E solo fanwank

- Full news at TGS.

The platform of the screens is not mentioned but they look like the PSP game that is expected. It can't be DS/360/PS3 and looks too crappy to be Wii or even PS2 (unless the quality of KH games is going down...unlikely).



Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!