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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 holds all the aces up its sleeve.

badgenome said:
Jboy0990 said:
Ok how do people know that Sony hasn't made a profit??
They must work for Sony huh
Or maybe Sony made an announcement that they lost all profits (yeah right)

I wonder!


lol, DUH!

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Weird that a guy just gives his opinions and people start attacking him!!

Being a cricket fan is much simpler and more fun
saimcheeda said:
Weird that a guy just gives his opinions and people start attacking him!!

Lol, at you thinking it was just an "opinion".


Yes opinion
Apparently u didnt read "i believe" in the OP

Jboy0990 said:
Yes opinion
Apparently u didnt read "i believe" in the OP

From the OP:

PS3s main goal is to outsell the XBox 360 in worldwide total sales. This is an extremely important goal to Sony in regards to PS3The PS3 has price cuts and huge list of games exclusive to PS3 which will prove to be much better than any exclusive games on XBox 360. PS3 will update its free online which will surpass the XBox Live "paid" online.

You might argue that Sony can not afford price cuts blah blah blah. But the truth is Sony is a huge company and these small losses on hardware is a small drop in the ocean and the extra game sales will more than make up for any insignificant PS3 hardware losses. Price of PS3 is approaching mass market penetration levels with next price cut and PS3 sales will take off as the economy does in fact improve in second half of 2009 and beyond. Expect PS3 price cuts to be announced some time at or after E3 09'.

Even the chance of going from third to first in the same generation may be on the cards as soon as PS3 approaches the Wii price. I expect huge transition from Microsoft or Nintendo to Sony and PS3. PS3 has a remote chance of finishing first in console wars. However I believe PS3 will finish a very close second behind the Wii when the generation is over. Bad luck for X360 ending up third after being ages in first place. Oh well such is life.


That's the only part where he used, I believe.  The rest of the stuff we are all attacking is because he is claiming them as facts and they are all wrong.

The colors really don't have any meaning, I just wanted you to look back and notice what an idiot you look like for defending his "opinion" which only exists in the statement: "I believe PS3 will finish in a very close second"

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Who said i was a sony fanboy?
because i disagree with 360 fanboys when they say that ps3 lost their profit?
I personally don't hate the 360i just never had a Xbox/360 i've always had PS and i HAD a 64 and Gamecube
i don;t think the 360 sucks i just prefer the ps3 so once again how am i a fanboy? cuz i disagree with statements that can't be proven?

nightsurge said:
Dark Chaos said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:

Sony's losses are only a drop in the bucket when considering MS's losses.  While Sony's losses are NOT small, it's there business model to keep pushing the industry forward with innovative and original games/gameplay.  It's been their pattern since the PS1.  Every new hot 1st/2nd party game will be the one that broke the camel's back for some people.  We shall see if original titles that push the envelope is what gamers want.  If these gamers only want the same old same old games, Sony's strategy may not work.

Personally, I think gamers don't just want the same old same old type games, so Sony's strategy will work.



Duh!  Everyone knows 2.9 Billion USD loss for Sony is NO WHERE NEAR AS BAD AS Microsofts $112 million USD profit!

Sure, just act like I didn't post the following:

You mean you aren't aware of it?  $5+ billion for Xbox.  AT LEAST $2 billion over the first 2 years of operation (NOT including the advertising expenses since they are tied into all of MS advertising costs).  $1+ billion for RRoD and E74.  Class action and regular lawsuits that have to pay out TWICE the GDP of Cambodia (total of over $9 billion).  Plus, there are NEW class action lawsuit popping up over the X360 as we post!


Ok the first paragraph is stating what Sony's goal is which i believe is too its called competition
And the truth is that Sony is a HUGE company and more than likely know what they are doing
He personally never attacked the 360 he stated what sony's objective is and then stated his opinion.

Jboy0990 said:
Who said i was a sony fanboy?
because i disagree with 360 fanboys when they say that ps3 lost their profit?
I personally don't hate the 360i just never had a Xbox/360 i've always had PS and i HAD a 64 and Gamecube
i don;t think the 360 sucks i just prefer the ps3 so once again how am i a fanboy? cuz i disagree with statements that can't be proven?

Uh, we kinda told you the whole, "Finances of a public company are public knowledge" bit, and even included a link for you to learn up.

I think the fact that you are foolishly missing this completely obvious fact is what makes you a fanboy.


kowenicki said:
uber said:
i'm not a business analyst, but what i do know is that sony had chipped the 360 lead down by almost a million units before the last round of price cuts. i think if the pricetag gets more competitive we will see sony eat the gap once again.

in addition to that, i agree that sony's software is more visionary in nature than m$. games like warhawk, mag, and little big planet are really pushing boundaries....and gamers are liking this, at least the ones old enough not to be swayed by mario titles. i just don't see microsoft keeping up with the battle of first party exclusives. they seem to be doing more of the same ol' same ol' with their games.


 yeah and since then the gap has increased by 3 million...


that's my point exactly.  price is nearly everything in this race.


and warhawk was very innovative.  it was an incredible idea for a just so happened to suck.  but many people bought it anyway.


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