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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 holds all the aces up its sleeve.

Ok what u posted is talking about the job loss and the recession
has nothing to do with ps3. eery company is losing money and having to lay off people

Around the Network
Jboy0990 said:
the link was a thread somebody else posted how do u know that it is entirely true though?

Wow Dude, just Wow.  You are even ignoring Sony?  Did you check the Sony link?

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

nightsurge said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
nightsurge said:
Dark Chaos said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:

Sony's losses are only a drop in the bucket when considering MS's losses.  While Sony's losses are NOT small, it's there business model to keep pushing the industry forward with innovative and original games/gameplay.  It's been their pattern since the PS1.  Every new hot 1st/2nd party game will be the one that broke the camel's back for some people.  We shall see if original titles that push the envelope is what gamers want.  If these gamers only want the same old same old games, Sony's strategy may not work.

Personally, I think gamers don't just want the same old same old type games, so Sony's strategy will work.



Duh!  Everyone knows 2.9 Billion USD loss for Sony is NO WHERE NEAR AS BAD AS Microsofts $112 million USD profit!

Sure, just act like I didn't post the following:

You mean you aren't aware of it?  $5+ billion for Xbox.  AT LEAST $2 billion over the first 2 years of operation (NOT including the advertising expenses since they are tied into all of MS advertising costs).  $1+ billion for RRoD and E74.  Class action and regular lawsuits that have to pay out TWICE the GDP of Cambodia (total of over $9 billion).  Plus, there are NEW class action lawsuit popping up over the X360 as we post!


Lol, um.... links?  MS never paid upwards of 9 billion in class action lawsuits.  In fact, I don't think a single one regarding the 360 has ever been won, soo.....  Also, you claimed it as "Microsoft and Sony" not "Microsoft and Sony's Entertainment/Console division.

I was merely showing that even when the Xbox and 360 lost money originally, MS as a whole prospered while Sony as a whole is doing awful because of PS3 and the yen.

They've paid out a LOT more since then and more are piling up.  They just can't stop being tyrants.

Here is a search on X360 class action lawsuits.

Here is a search on PS3 class action lawsuits. The funny thing is that it gives you MS/X360 class action lawsuits.


This post is delusional.

The economy will take YEARS to recover dude, get real.

(Predicted on 5/31/11) END of 2011 Sales - Xbox 360 = 62M;  PS3 = 59M;  Wii = 97M

Around the Network
Jboy0990 said:
Ok what u posted is talking about the job loss and the recession
has nothing to do with ps3. eery company is losing money and having to lay off people

Microsoft has a $112 million profit over the same time period.  That's not exactly "losing money".

Also, iSuppy released figures about 5 months ago that show the PS3 is selling at roughly $60 loss per console sold, and that doesn't account for shipping/warehouse, and retailers discount off of the $400 price, so at that time the PS3 was losing $100 per console sold.

uber said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
kowenicki said:
uber said:
i'm not a business analyst, but what i do know is that sony had chipped the 360 lead down by almost a million units before the last round of price cuts. i think if the pricetag gets more competitive we will see sony eat the gap once again.

in addition to that, i agree that sony's software is more visionary in nature than m$. games like warhawk, mag, and little big planet are really pushing boundaries....and gamers are liking this, at least the ones old enough not to be swayed by mario titles. i just don't see microsoft keeping up with the battle of first party exclusives. they seem to be doing more of the same ol' same ol' with their games.


 yeah and since then the gap has increased by 3 million...


The gap basically went back to normal (according to the last credible reported worldwide numbers).  It's a shame when you have to go cheaper than the Wii just to keep the PS3 from walking you down.


and why don't xbox fans see it as such?  i don't get it.  it does seem to undercut the viability of the system.


Cognitive Dissonance (CD).  That's why.


Hawk said:
Jboy0990 said:
the link was a thread somebody else posted how do u know that it is entirely true though?

Wow Dude, just Wow.  You are even ignoring Sony?  Did you check the Sony link?


You can tune in May 14th to check Sony's Q4 FY2008 earning we asll as check earining from previous quaters by clicking on Earning Releases on the left.

On the other hand, you can always claim that Sony actually made money and faked the loss so that they don't have to pay tax. Someone used that before and it is a valid defense.


MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.

Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
nightsurge said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
nightsurge said:
Dark Chaos said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:

Sony's losses are only a drop in the bucket when considering MS's losses.  While Sony's losses are NOT small, it's there business model to keep pushing the industry forward with innovative and original games/gameplay.  It's been their pattern since the PS1.  Every new hot 1st/2nd party game will be the one that broke the camel's back for some people.  We shall see if original titles that push the envelope is what gamers want.  If these gamers only want the same old same old games, Sony's strategy may not work.

Personally, I think gamers don't just want the same old same old type games, so Sony's strategy will work.



Duh!  Everyone knows 2.9 Billion USD loss for Sony is NO WHERE NEAR AS BAD AS Microsofts $112 million USD profit!

Sure, just act like I didn't post the following:

You mean you aren't aware of it?  $5+ billion for Xbox.  AT LEAST $2 billion over the first 2 years of operation (NOT including the advertising expenses since they are tied into all of MS advertising costs).  $1+ billion for RRoD and E74.  Class action and regular lawsuits that have to pay out TWICE the GDP of Cambodia (total of over $9 billion).  Plus, there are NEW class action lawsuit popping up over the X360 as we post!


Lol, um.... links?  MS never paid upwards of 9 billion in class action lawsuits.  In fact, I don't think a single one regarding the 360 has ever been won, soo.....  Also, you claimed it as "Microsoft and Sony" not "Microsoft and Sony's Entertainment/Console division.

I was merely showing that even when the Xbox and 360 lost money originally, MS as a whole prospered while Sony as a whole is doing awful because of PS3 and the yen.

They've paid out a LOT more since then and more are piling up.  They just can't stop being tyrants.

Here is a search on X360 class action lawsuits.

Here is a search on PS3 class action lawsuits. The funny thing is that it gives you MS/X360 class action lawsuits.


That's an article from 2005 about all lawsuits accross the board in the entire history of Microsoft as a company.  Funny though that even through all those lawsuits they are profitable while Sony is not.

They've not paid any lawsuits in regards to the 360.

Here is a search on PS3 and Sony losses.

Here is a search on Xbox 360 and MS losses.  The funny thing is that it gives you PS3/Sony losses as well.

ok well the last link was better proof than a thread now my apologies but the whole callin me a fanboy is straight bs