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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who here is happy that Xbox is ahead of Playstation this generation?

YoScoobes said:
BladeOfGod said:
Scoobes said:
BladeOfGod said:
Yeah 16% OUT OF 1040. Not 16% out of 29 million.Until i see OFFICIAL articles that RROD is dead i refuse to believe.

As i said i believe failure rate dropped but its not under 20% for sure.

I think 1040 is a pretty good sample of consoles tested. 16% of 1040 is seems fairly representative to me.



Its still A LOT. And 20-32% of 29 million is NOT good sample of consoles tested

It is still a lot, that's kinda my point though. And let me put it this way, if a drug company can get away with sampling a new drug on only 1040 human beings (actually anywhere between 300-3000) out of 6 billion during phase 3 clinical trials, I don't see how 1040 out of 29millions consoles can be scoffed at. So the best number we have at present is 16%, which is about 13% too high.

It's not really feasible to test more then that really and MS aren't going to give any real figures until they're within industry standards which may not even happen.

You dont get it.

Its 16% of 1040 out of TESTED consoles. Most of dead 360s are bought by costumers.

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What a surprise, the only come back Sony fanboys have is the old RROD issue which is no longer a problem (jasper models don't suffer from it), there is a E74 problem but this is no larger than PS3's drive problems,

My PS3 has gone wrong twice since I have had it, my 360 (falcon unit) has NEVER gone wrong, not everyone has problems with 360's and certainly not with newer models,

Sony fanboys have their own problems to worry about with PS3's blu ray drive issues, update issues, very low sales week after week, sales down year on year while other consoles are up, games not selling, developers losing patience with Sony etc.

For me its not a comeback but the reason i will not get a 360, I refuse to reward a company for damaging an industry that is important to me. As for me worrying about blu ray drive issues, (why? its fine. 60 UK launch model) update issues, (eh?) very low sales week after week, (roughly 20k ww, weekly behind the 360. Are you saying the 360 also has low sales?) games not selling (look at the charts and think about, say... Street fighter?) & developers losing patience with Sony (yea, that's why more & more games are going multi plat) i don't think there is much to worry about, my gaming future is bright. As for RRoD being fixed, clearly its not as E74 is part of the RRoD legacy.


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

ps2 sold over 120 Million consoles, of course i'm happy about the ps3 not doing as well as the xbox

FKNetwork said:
What a surprise, the only come back Sony fanboys have is the old RROD issue which is no longer a problem (jasper models don't suffer from it), there is a E74 problem but this is no larger than PS3's drive problems,

My PS3 has gone wrong twice since I have had it, my 360 (falcon unit) has NEVER gone wrong, not everyone has problems with 360's and certainly not with newer models,

Sony fanboys have their own problems to worry about with PS3's blu ray drive issues, update issues, very low sales week after week, sales down year on year while other consoles are up, games not selling, developers losing patience with Sony etc.


 Actually, it all started when one guy said Sony was arrogant and ignorant, then the other guy said MS was arrogant and ignorant coz of RROD. Then this third guy said failure rate was 33%. I corrected him and said its 32%.Then this 4th guy( or maybe was the first one) said it WAS 32%, than i said MS was always saying RROD was past but without any specifics. And now this 5th guy ( or maybe was the 4th guy which might was first guy) said 16% out of 1040 is good, then i said these were just TESTED consoles and then you came. You didnt follow the story

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FKNetwork said:
What a surprise, the only come back Sony fanboys have is the old RROD issue which is no longer a problem (jasper models don't suffer from it), there is a E74 problem but this is no larger than PS3's drive problems,

My PS3 has gone wrong twice since I have had it, my 360 (falcon unit) has NEVER gone wrong, not everyone has problems with 360's and certainly not with newer models,

Sony fanboys have their own problems to worry about with PS3's blu ray drive issues, update issues, very low sales week after week, sales down year on year while other consoles are up, games not selling, developers losing patience with Sony etc.


 Actually, it all started when one guy said Sony was arrogant and ignorant, then the other guy said MS was arrogant and ignorant coz of RROD. Then this third guy said failure rate was 33%. I corrected him and said its 32%.Then this 4th guy( or maybe was the first one) said it WAS 32%, than i said MS was always saying RROD was past but without any specifics. And now this 5th guy ( or maybe was the 4th guy which might was first guy) said 16% out of 1040 is good, then i said these were just TESTED consoles and then you came. You didnt follow the story

Double post WTF was that???

"developers losing patience with Sony etc."

Come back with that line when many 3rd party titles start getting cancelled left and right for the PS3.

Me!!!! yeahhhhhhhhh

forevercloud3000 said:
reptile168 said:
I certainly think it's the best thing to happen to videogame industry that Sony is last place. They deserve it all the way. From being arrogant, to repeatedly break promises or create false publicity, they need to realize that people are smarter than this. The worst part is Sony used one of their best division to win a format war. That, in itself, is a huge sin for all true gamers out there, though thankfully for Sony, some gamers were assimilated by Sony's marketing team.


I don't get this. Firstly this whole thread stinks of fanboy console bashing. It also shows the insecurity of quite a few of you. Like everything that is popular, people must bring it down. Because Sony knows what the fuck they were doing for the last 2 gens and were successful they deserve to be in last this gen?

What exaclty did Sony boast about and not actually do? What promises have they broken, or not working on actually accomplishing?

Yea, Sony is arrogant, and so is Microsoft and Nintendo. What is your point? Sony said people would buy their system regardless of price. Uh....HELLO!!! They were right, they still are the most pricey console in history yet they still maintain to be in the game(which others have never done). Nintendo is now in constant high spirits regardless of the fact majority of their fanbase feels jiped. No matter what you say to them, they come back with "Well we sold more consoles this way dont matter anymore". Or Microsoft, who never fails to boast about how they are ahead by a measly margin(for a console that came out a yr before and is less then half the price of the PS3). Or how MS relishes in the fact they "convince" 3rd parties to go MPlatform.

And spare me the whining over BD being put into the PS3. It is not a Trojan horse, it is preperation for the future. The whole point of moving into "next gen" is that we MOVE ON from old thought types and practices, try something new. Yet because it is pricey it was a really bad idea right? So what if BD didnt cost as much as it does to put in the PS3, would you still hate it? Ignore the fact that BD killed HD DVD, or that BD is taking hold at a similar pace to DVD did. OH NO, it is SOOOO bad because it is Sony, those arrogant pricks!

This is nothing short of a case of "Kick the champ while he is down" circle jerk.


great that you took time to read the whole thread (post by post I assume since I posted long time ago and you were able to dig it out through all those posts)

Are you that blinded by Sony?

Where is our promised ingame Toy story graphics with PS2? Where is our real time E3 2005 Killzone 2 ingame graphics? Where is our dual-HDMI ps3? Where is our PS3 doubles as a router? Where is our 7 USB ports PS3? Where is our PS2 support for PS3 for the past two years when they criticized MS for half-assing Xbox compatibility? Why do we have rumble in our PS3 controllers when they insist rumble is last gen? Where is the claim that PS3 is 20 times better than Xbox 1.5 yet I don't see much difference?

Blu-ray did NOT kill HD DVD. Warner gave the fatal killing blow.