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Forums - Gaming Discussion - RPGs: Coming to a 360 near you

Kwaad said: The C2D changed things for the better. But still once agian, it is not the way the cell works. The cell has 64mb memory on each SPE. (dedicated) meaning that one SPE can access that memory at 100% speed. or all 8 SPEs can access their memory at 100%.)
Where did you get your numbers from? 64 mb per SPE on a single chip. Did you ever take a look at the size of the on-chip cache, compared to the rest of the processor? Every SPE has a memory of 512 KB (iy your numbers would be true the cell would have more memory in its SPEs, than the amount of memory, that can be used by the cell on the PS-3 (256 MB). In fact a major weakness of the cell is its lack of a unified cache that would allow a faster and easier interaction of the single units, especially in siturations where you do not have evenly distributed code with a weak interaction. If they have to access the local memory of another SPE, you will have to send a message through the internal ring bus, while multicores with a unified cache can access these informations directly. But such a cache needs space (and transistors). A cell has advantages if it is sufficient to load its memory one time and then only exchange data. If you have to switch the programs multiple times you have to load the program through the common bus. The same situation on a system with the unified cache can mean that the new program is already in the unified cache and you don't need to load it from the memory. If an SPE is used by one program it is locked by this program, even if it is waiting for data. On a multi-core this process does not use its share of processor time and other processes can be run in the mean time. So the situation is not as simple as you think. The cell was primarily developped for cluster applications. You have one program that runs on every SPE all the time. It only uses its local memory add one general multi-purpose-core for caching, control and secondary programs. Which capacities will I no longer need on the chip , and how many parallel SPEs can I put on this chip. This was the basic idea behind the cell. It's weaknesses were well known, because its limitations are exactly the capacities that were not necessary under this circumstances. It was not so far fetched to add to it a kind of pipeline handlling for multi purpose situations, but it was never designed as a kind of main processor in a game console.

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Stromprophet said:Isn't mass effect about the cops and criminals? Is this not the game I see on TV with the kids in Jail and the Voto saying, "what you think it's a game ese" And then a see a bunch of stuff blowing up in the background? I could have the wrong game, maybe I was thinking of the wrong one.
Thats Crackdown. Mass Effect is made by bioware and has yet to be released. And Kwaad, why don't you continue to debate the power of the almighty cell in washamules thread? It's just not really relavent here.

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

sieanr said: And Kwaad, why don't you continue to debate the power of the almighty cell in washamules thread? It's just not really relavent here.
Seconded. Please. With sugar on top.

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. -Mark Twain

2004 Lincoln LSV8 - ~$15,000

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The look on a ricer's face when they get their ass beat off the line by a Lincoln - Priceless

sieanr said: Stromprophet said:Isn't mass effect about the cops and criminals? Is this not the game I see on TV with the kids in Jail and the Voto saying, "what you think it's a game ese" And then a see a bunch of stuff blowing up in the background? I could have the wrong game, maybe I was thinking of the wrong one. Thats Crackdown. Mass Effect is made by bioware and has yet to be released. And Kwaad, why don't you continue to debate the power of the almighty cell in washamules thread? It's just not really relavent here.
Ahh. Sorry, I was mistaken.

BenKenobi88 said: Everyone knows he had it coming. On his CELL thread, he didn't apologize for swearing and bashing other users, even though I asked. He just kept going and going with his Cell rantings. I actually am somewhat interested in what the Cell can do...but nobody needs to spam so much and shut down what other people say.
That was in response to this... I moved it.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

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Stromprophet said: sieanr said: Stromprophet said:Mass Effect would be the other one. Mass Effect is a GTA type game, which is not a traditional RPG. What about it is GTA like? If anything it's a more complex version of KOTOR. Isn't mass effect about the cops and criminals? Is this not the game I see on TV with the kids in Jail and the Voto saying, "what you think it's a game ese" And then a see a bunch of stuff blowing up in the background? I could have the wrong game, maybe I was thinking of the wrong one.
PLEASE........Go look at Mass Effect and it's videos on IGN....Looks like a great RPG. More shooter-style than most other RPGs, but Bioware has had a great RPG track record. I considered Marvel: UA because it's a great RPG-style game. It has all the RPG elements in it..Experience points, level ups, lots of statistics, and weapons & armor. I don't see how its not a RPG. To me, it's more of an RPG than Fable ever was.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.