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Stromprophet said: sieanr said: Stromprophet said:Mass Effect would be the other one. Mass Effect is a GTA type game, which is not a traditional RPG. What about it is GTA like? If anything it's a more complex version of KOTOR. Isn't mass effect about the cops and criminals? Is this not the game I see on TV with the kids in Jail and the Voto saying, "what you think it's a game ese" And then a see a bunch of stuff blowing up in the background? I could have the wrong game, maybe I was thinking of the wrong one.
PLEASE........Go look at Mass Effect and it's videos on IGN....Looks like a great RPG. More shooter-style than most other RPGs, but Bioware has had a great RPG track record. I considered Marvel: UA because it's a great RPG-style game. It has all the RPG elements in it..Experience points, level ups, lots of statistics, and weapons & armor. I don't see how its not a RPG. To me, it's more of an RPG than Fable ever was.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.