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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Fierce Fox Force.

Well, since everyone esle was making one of their favorite character I decided to make my own on my favorite charatcer(Fox McCloud). Yeah, I'm bored.

Fox McCloud has been here since the SNES and has always given us good games. He might not have his own game right now but soon. He has been in a lot of other games like Super Smash Bros, etc so join the FFF today.

Please put Proud member of the Fierce Fox Force. in your sig if you like.


1. YesWiiCan

2. Wfz

3. I like Bacon

4. _XBrawlX_

5. TWRoO

6. killeryoshis

7. woopah

8. aiden.cronus

9. twilit

10. arsenal009

11. sethnintendo

12. Voltaire

13. Soriku

14. shizzlee

15. Orca_Azure

16. Theo

17. Majin-Tenshinhan

18. Maynard_Tool

Around the Network

These groups are really getting out of hand.

I will never conform to anything like this!

Do not read my signature!

too late.

You signed me up? Rofl, alright. I do really want a SF game on the Wii, and who doesn't absolutely love SF64?

You might as well add Bacon to the list. :P

wfz said:
You signed me up? Rofl, alright. I do really want a SF game on the Wii, and who doesn't absolutely love SF64?

You might as well add Bacon to the list. :P

Of course I signed you up.  Everyone likes Starfox.


Around the Network

More like the Andross Apathy AllStars :(




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits
wfz said:
You signed me up? Rofl, alright. I do really want a SF game on the Wii, and who doesn't absolutely love SF64?

You might as well add Bacon to the list. :P

I don't like Lylat Wars at all.

I have a suspicion it is mostly because I was late to the party, I did play a short stint on the multiplayer a long while back but didn't properly experience the game till I was dissapointed by it on the Virtual Console.... All I can say is, perhaps it has just aged very poorly, and as I don't have the nostalgia factor I see it for what it is today, rather than what it was back then.

Either way, I have no intention of buying a starfox game if one comes out on the Wii.... I am more likely to buy a Starfox Adventures game because I like that game a lot more than Lylat Wars.


Oh, and I entered this thread thinking it was something to do with Pulp Fiction with perhaps the OP misqouting "The Fox Force Five"

Anyone else?

me too!

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

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