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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The "let's bash the wii" weekend

SaviorX said:
rckrz6 said:
SaviorX said:
rckrz6 said:
SaviorX said:
rckrz6 said:
SaviorX said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Wow, GameDaily said that the Wii is too expensive and that Wii Fit is for idiots. They're not even trying.


GameDaily is invalid as a trustworthy website.


For Pete's sake, they said the 360 was the greatest console of all-time, and had the best controller. That wipes their credibility right off the radar.


Thats there opinion. Maybe not yours

They could at least wait until the generation is over. Even if it is their opinion, how does that reflect upon their news coverage and game reviews after that point? If you are a website of universal coverage, announcing the 360 as the best system of all-time makes every thing you do after that get called into question, at least from me.



When they say of all time i beleive that means up to date. There will be something better next gen


Still, it isn't really an excuse. There was a list that GameDaily posted. It had 15 entries (not sure of the exact number) but it beat out the PS2, SNES, DS, everything.



Any review on anything is just someones opinion, you maybe agree or disagree its up to you. Im not stick up for gamedaily im just saying you shouldn;t bash a website on a somethign they said that you don;t agree with as long as they can explain why they review something a certain way.  I mean they say the wii sucks, but atleast they expained why.

........We can agree to disaggree, but when posting articles like the one in the OP, there is a reason their publications should be seen with increased skepticism.



i would agree mostly with the article but i think the title is harsh.. it should more like disadvantages of the wii or something but not ditch the wii.. that is a hateful title.  I can see why you would think skeptical of them

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I don't know about most of you, but I've felt their contempt toward the Wii since the moment it launched. Watching the Gamespot staff play Wii bowling on Youtube at the launch was all I needed to see in order to know that the gaming press was going to hate the system forever.

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

Predictable. There's a reason I don't take the gaming press very seriously. Can't say I'm surprised, though---they've hated the Wii for a while now. Luckily for Nintendo, the gaming press =/= most consumers.

Mine was the best one. Too bad it got locked. But maybe it won't be too long before I have an opportunity to write an even better one.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

BTFeather55 said:
Mine was the best one. Too bad it got locked. But maybe it won't be too long before I have an opportunity to write an even better one.

sorry I missed it... I hope to read the newer and better version soon

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.

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LoL, it's kind of funny

sooo many people act like stupid, are desperate, because Wii is selling more than their precious, HD consoles

and this is mostly because MadWorld does not have huge launch sales, so we go back to the "hardcore games do not sell on Wii" conclusion leading to "Wii is for stupid casual games (and kids of course)" and finally "Wii sucks"

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

the gaming press sure are hating a lot of things this's saddening :P


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salaminizer said:

the GameDaily one is a joke right?

Yes I'm pretty sure it was written as a joke although you can see the joke as being used to show biases.  Which Gamedaily has definitely shown during the past towards Wii and even PS3.  But it was written to be a joke.


CGI-Quality said:
Unfortunately, each system receives bogus hating. I'm with you though man, it is getting out of hand... :/

Too true, it's ridiculous.

I think there's a lot of people still bitter about them being wrong about the wii's potential for success before launch, so any chance to bash is taken.

Similarly to how everyone thought Sony's success was guaranteed this gen, now everytime something good happens at sony = Massive turnaround this gen and it'll take 1st place. No matter how big/small the good thing is. More prevalent now is the lack of acknowledgement of Sony's good actions (1st party dev, free online etc)

Even with MS, nobody thought it could touch Sony this generation, so every bad thing that happens will mean that it'll lose 2nd place to sony.



I just wish these people, and websites, would stop referring to themselves as journalists. Journalism should show no bias.

Now, if they are an analysis site and want to have editorial opinion that is one thing. But almost all the major gaming "journalism" sites are nothing but opinion paraded around as news.

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!