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Then I would be shooting random people with water gun in the face

What would you do if you were god or had godlike powers?


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what if you were soriku (Ellen

I'd probably have a lot more RPGs

What if you were robbed of your entire video game collection?


I´ll be angry.

What if you can get any video game?

I'd get Manga

what if you were in Antarctica??

Around the Network

I would be cold

What if you had the keys to the white house?


I would go in when obama is sleeping pull out a gun and SH**T him (SH**T=shoot)

What if you got your dream job (JUST NOW)


Then I would selll them to the highest bidder.

What if The Internal Combustion Engine was never invented?

Currently Playing: Mass Effect (360)

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed" - Gandhi

Then the world wouldn´t have the internal combustion engine.

What if you were 18 on 1936 on germany?Will you be on the Hitler´s youth concentration camps?

i wudnt care!

What if you went ot jail?