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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New SEGA and Tri-Ace RPG (PS3/360) - End of Eternity

Man, this looks cool. Sega's got all the awesome games these days...

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Very good looking art direction in my opinion.Nice to see them trying to go for a more "mature" approach in their design. Now I hope they improved their cutscene direction since SO4 (the pacing and movement in that one felt awkward to me, as for the writing ... well, let's not talk about the writing).

Awesome! Glad that Sega is publishing, that ensures a PAL release within a year of the Japanese one.

Im REALLY digging the new Tri-ace RPG it looks TOTALLY up my ally :) futuristic JRPG without being too futuristic alà FFXIII.

This totally reminds me of Parasite Eve

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

@ rukusa )

yea, I'm interested in how Ni-Oh will turn out aswell, especially because THE Kurosawa Akira wrote the underlying script (although it was intended for a movie, which was cancelled)

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BengaBenga said:
Awesome! Glad that Sega is publishing, that ensures a PAL release within a year of the Japanese one.


yeah, if VC is anything to go by it should be 6-7 months after Japan release.

So Jul-Sep 2009 in Japan and Dec 09-Feb 2010 in NA/EU

Multiplat might make things take a bit longer.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Alic0004 said:
It's amazing how Tri-Ace keeps upping their engine every game, but still manages to release several games a year (three this year?) They must be a pretty big company themselves, right?

Anyone else getting a serious "we can do Final Fantasy too" vibe from the screens?

Hmm no characters remind me more of Valkyrie Profile 2.



Lafiel said:

Very good looking art direction in my opinion.Nice to see them trying to go for a more "mature" approach in their design. Now I hope they improved their cutscene direction since SO4 (the pacing and movement in that one felt awkward to me, as for the writing ... well, let's not talk about the writing).

Actually, from what I heard, the writing isn't that bad in Japanese version, it's most likely just the localization that was the problem.  That's why I am glad SEGA is publishing it instead of S-E,  SEGA may have quite a few duds but they have shown with Valkyria Chronicles that they are still capable of game development and localization


65% finished? They did really well to keep it under the radar. Now the salivating for further information begins :)

Playing: Borderlands(great co-op,HUGE amount of content),Too Human(better late than never lol),Saints Row 3(Penetrator ftw),Minecraft 360,Harry Potter Lego. 

Patiently waiting for:  Tomb Raider, Borderlands 2

madman25 said:
65% finished? They did really well to keep it under the radar. Now the salivating for further information begins :)

I hope that doesn't ruin this game's chances of decent sales because it looks like something Western gamers would like.