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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New SEGA and Tri-Ace RPG (PS3/360) - End of Eternity

Xxain said:
outlawauron said:
Rei said:
Setting and art direction look interesting. And it seems like it uses the IU/SO4 engine?

Also it is basically the 1st jRPG announced as multiplatform.

The Last Remnant?





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outlawauron said:
Rei said:
Setting and art direction look interesting. And it seems like it uses the IU/SO4 engine?

Also it is basically the 1st jRPG announced as multiplatform.

The Last Remnant?

TLR never came to PS3 therefore it was never a multiplatform at the same time as CONSOLES there has been NONE to date unless they were exclusives to the PS3 like folklore or VC, OR they were Better and enhanced ports.

This will be the first time it'll be at the same time, and loath and behold its Tri-Ace whos bring'n the heat baby!


last remant it's taking a hell of time to be port i am not sure if i am getting it anymore.

g-value said:
Xxain said:
outlawauron said:
Rei said:
Setting and art direction look interesting. And it seems like it uses the IU/SO4 engine?

Also it is basically the 1st jRPG announced as multiplatform.

The Last Remnant?





................yes, read Seraphic's post

Xxain said:
outlawauron said:
Rei said:
Setting and art direction look interesting. And it seems like it uses the IU/SO4 engine?

Also it is basically the 1st jRPG announced as multiplatform.

The Last Remnant?


It was the first JRPG announced multiplatform.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Around the Network
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
outlawauron said:
Rei said:
Setting and art direction look interesting. And it seems like it uses the IU/SO4 engine?

Also it is basically the 1st jRPG announced as multiplatform.

The Last Remnant?

TLR never came to PS3 therefore it was never a multiplatform at the same time as CONSOLES there has been NONE to date unless they were exclusives to the PS3 like folklore or VC, OR they were Better and enhanced ports.

This will be the first time it'll be at the same time, and loath and behold its Tri-Ace whos bring'n heat baby!

Read Rei's post. He said announced multiplatform.

Do a better job of correcting me next time.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
Xxain said:
outlawauron said:
Rei said:
Setting and art direction look interesting. And it seems like it uses the IU/SO4 engine?

Also it is basically the 1st jRPG announced as multiplatform.

The Last Remnant?


It was the first JRPG announced multiplatform.

it was announced but it didnt happen, this will be the first PS360 JRPG to happen

outlawauron said:
Rei said:
Setting and art direction look interesting. And it seems like it uses the IU/SO4 engine?

Also it is basically the 1st jRPG announced as multiplatform.

The Last Remnant?

Lets say it never happened.


Please have good voice acting.

outlawauron said:
makingmusic476 said:
DeotoxSlayer said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
makingmusic476 said:
Sega and not Square Enix? Surprising. Almost makes me wonder if there's trouble brewing between the two behind the scenes.

And I'm not all that interested in anything from Tri-Ace. Maybe this will change that.

Sounds awesome, but wtf??? Tri-Ace >>>>>>>>>>> Team ICO!!! OOooooohhhhhh yeah i went there Buddy!

And yeah looks like Tri isn't to friendly with SE anymore lulz!

more like:

Level 5 => Team ICO >>>>>>>>>>Tri-Ace

Level 5?  For real?

What's with people jumping on average JRPG devs and acting like they developed gold on a stick?

The best thing Level 5 has is Prof. Layton.  I'm not saying their stuff is bad (Dark Cloud is actualy quite good), but they're just not all that.

Level 5 is not average!

Prof. Layton = total awesomesauce.  Dark Cloud = above average and Jeanne D'Arc is very good from what I hear.  But Rogue Galaxy and (based on its critical reception in Japan) White Knight Chronicles bring them down a notch.

And my second line was in reference to both Level 5 and Tri-Ace.