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Forums - Sony Discussion - New Tales of Vesperia info on the PS3 port and the movie

Rainbird said:

Wait, there is 4 player coop? Sweet, now I have enough reasons to buy it.

EDIT: I didn't see this in the thread, but I think this is pretty interesting:

All cutscenes lacking voice have been newly recorded to take advantage of the ample storage space Blu-ray provides, and voice actor Kosuke Toriumi (Yuri) even remarked on stage, "the additional voice script was almost as long as the entire Xbox 360 [script]".

That's a lot of extra voicing, but when it means no unvoiced story-sequences, then Namco have done the right thing. From a gamer's perspective anyway.

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g-value said:
Rainbird said:

Wait, there is 4 player coop? Sweet, now I have enough reasons to buy it.

EDIT: I didn't see this in the thread, but I think this is pretty interesting:

All cutscenes lacking voice have been newly recorded to take advantage of the ample storage space Blu-ray provides, and voice actor Kosuke Toriumi (Yuri) even remarked on stage, "the additional voice script was almost as long as the entire Xbox 360 [script]".

That's a lot of extra voicing, but when it means no unvoiced story-sequences, then Namco have done the right thing. From a gamer's perspective anyway.

That what i meant when i said "Fully voiced".

Guess I should have highlighted it

Rainbird said:
g-value said:
Rainbird said:

Wait, there is 4 player coop? Sweet, now I have enough reasons to buy it.

EDIT: I didn't see this in the thread, but I think this is pretty interesting:

All cutscenes lacking voice have been newly recorded to take advantage of the ample storage space Blu-ray provides, and voice actor Kosuke Toriumi (Yuri) even remarked on stage, "the additional voice script was almost as long as the entire Xbox 360 [script]".

That's a lot of extra voicing, but when it means no unvoiced story-sequences, then Namco have done the right thing. From a gamer's perspective anyway.

That what i meant when i said "Fully voiced".

Guess I should have highlighted it

HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!


perpride said:
badgenome said:
SnakeEyez said:
zeross said:


oh crap no more love for x360


Holy crap, is that really what it says?

No, it really says that the PS3 gets late ports of 360 games.


i lol'd.


Anyone know what it really says?


Japan is games!



coop with 4 players in tales of vesperia???

the best RPG's are coming 2013 !!!! oh my god, this is perfect for RPG-GAMER = ) Ni No Kuni - 25 january, Time and Eternity, tales of xillia (PS3) and the maybe best game ever: metal gear solid ground zero

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Marco said:
coop with 4 players in tales of vesperia???


 Yes there is 4 player coop in Tales of Vesperia.

only at a ps3-game?

the best RPG's are coming 2013 !!!! oh my god, this is perfect for RPG-GAMER = ) Ni No Kuni - 25 january, Time and Eternity, tales of xillia (PS3) and the maybe best game ever: metal gear solid ground zero

Marco said:

only at a ps3-game?


 No. There was 4 player coop on the Xbox 360 version as well.

ah okay,thanks. it's interesting!

i dont play the 360 ToV...but i love this game. my friend say all time:

wait...sometime...come a ps3 port!

and i wait and wait's's coming = ) this is awesome. my favourite game in this generation is metal gear solid 4,but i think and hope...tales of vesperia is a GODGAME too = )

ps: my english is not soooo good,i'm sorry^^ i came from GER

the best RPG's are coming 2013 !!!! oh my god, this is perfect for RPG-GAMER = ) Ni No Kuni - 25 january, Time and Eternity, tales of xillia (PS3) and the maybe best game ever: metal gear solid ground zero

Marco said:
ah okay,thanks. it's interesting!

i dont play the 360 ToV...but i love this game. my friend say all time:

wait...sometime...come a ps3 port!

and i wait and wait's's coming = ) this is awesome. my favourite game in this generation is metal gear solid 4,but i think and hope...tales of vesperia is a GODGAME too = )

ps: my english is not soooo good,i'm sorry^^ i came from GER

No problem. Tales of Vesperia is a great game and i hope you enjoy it.