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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I buy a Xbox 360 or a PS3 ?

get a ps3 man it just keeps getting better and better;
Do you really want to miss all those great exclusive titles?!?!

Plus, it's a sexy beast machine. nd you will feel good looking at it everyday

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really the only flaw the 360 has had is the reputation from the hardware issues from the MOBO they used in 05 - 06. MS stepped up to the plate and not only fixed these issues, but are taking care of the failed systems

tyig said:
If you like WRPG go 360(mass effect, fable, fallout dlc), if you like jrpg go 360(Star Ocean, Tales of Vesperia,Infinite UNdiscovery,Last Remnant,Blue Dragon(this one is terrible), if you like shooters go 360(halo, gears, left4dead),if you like to play online go 360, if you like great-looking games buy a ps3 and a great 2009 line-up go ps3.


ps3 great looking games? as far as i know every third party game looks better on 360 than just get a ps3 if you like their exclusives, LBP, R2 or KZ2.

FKNetwork said:
Sardauk said:
Rpruett said:
Sardauk said:
Rpruett said:
Sardauk said:
Bokal said:

Great post!


That is so PS3 biased... lol


Not really.  I prefer the PS3 to the 360.   But game enjoyment is purely a matter of personal opinion.  Price clearly favors the 360 in terms of entry point.  Reliability clearly favors the PS3 and Value I guess 'could maybe be' a tad biased.  But the PS3 does give you a Blu-Ray player, WiFi, Free Online for $400.   Add those costs onto the cheapest 360 model and include XBL fees.


Ok but, if we are talking about a gaming machine, I don't care about blu-ray, wifi (useless for gaming) etc...

A pure gamer would rather spend money into gaming rather than electronics...


Neither console is marketed as purely gaming machine though now is it? Both are categorized as multi-media machines.





IMO, this "value argument" is a Sony marketing spin : Real value is about getting more for less money, not getting more for more because... you just paid for it, that is no added-value... people on this forum don't understand that apparently...



No the the 'value argument' is not Sony marketing spin.  Value is getting something for less than it's worth.  Getting a bargain.  There is a reason people by the PS3 and make clusters with them.  The hardware in them is a total value.   Add up what the features would cost to put onto your 360.  ($100 for Wifi, $150 or more for Blu-Ray attachment, $50 a year for Live). 



360 has more value : It is the most succesful HD console on the market and it is available with crazy bundles..that is value to me: You wanna play ? You get the console and 2 AAA titles for 290 € or a HALO Pack for 260 €.

I have no problem with people willing to pay more for blu-ray... but this is not gaming related..(and don't come on me with the advantage of BR on gaming...this is just storage..).


You actually get gaming advantages with more storage.  Less compression is always a good thing for a gamer.   The 360 wins on price, but not value IMO.






No the the 'value argument' is not Sony marketing spin.  Value is getting something for less than it's worth.  Getting a bargain.  There is a reason people by the PS3 and make clusters with them.  The hardware in them is a total value.   Add up what the features would cost to put onto your 360.  ($100 for Wifi, $150 or more for Blu-Ray attachment, $50 a year for Live). 

Why the f*ck would we (360 users) want to do that ???!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't get the 360 to add some features on it, like BR, sport spoilers, rocket turbine and heated cup-holder..damn...

That is why I'm saying it is a PS3-biased comparaison.

Same here!

Why yap on about adding all that crap onto the 360's price (blu ray, wi-fi etc) when we didn't buy a 360 for ANY of that! if I wanted a decent blu ray player I certainly wouldn't have got a PS3, I don't use blu ray at all anymore and yes, I do have a 52" HD 1080P TV but I prefer using Sky HD and my 360 for all my HD needs,

And WHY O WHY would I want to use Wi-Fi on my gaming systems lmao, I use ethernet on my 360/PS3 and PC as WI-FI is a complete joke for online gaming, intermittent connection problems, more lag, slower packet management and too much interference from everyday items make it too unreliable for serious gaming (many gaming sites did features on this ages ago and said ethernet is still the best way to get the best and most reliable speed for gaming), we only use Wi-Fi for the Laptop, Wii and Nokia N96 in our house and that's only because we have too lol,


Sony fanboys just don't get it, the PS3 is not value for money at all, paying a fortune for something which offers hardly anything more than a product which is much cheaper which does some things a lot better is NOT value for money no matter how you try and spin it,

I got my PS3 as a free gift and i'm still not happy with it so feel very sorry for people that actually paid real cash for one, the 360 is what gaming this generation is all about, top games, top multiplayer, superb controls, fantastic social features, the list goes on and console sale figures show this, 360 has been outselling the PS3 every week (bar one week just before KZ2 went on sale) for almost 7 months solid and is showing no signs of slowing down, software sells massively on 360 compared to PS3, there are many reasons for gamers and developers/publishers to stick with the 360 this generation which is now becoming very clear is indeed the case.

I have 99 people on my xbox live friends list (yup, it's full) so always have people to play and chat to, my PS3 I have 3 people on it as no-one I know likes/owns them, it's either 360 or Wii where I live,


Ok people, Flame away lol.....

I like it.


scottie said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
scottie said:
sly777 said:

I already own a nintendo wii. The console is pretty great but I would like to play games like sport games (hockey, football and basket...), RPG, Shooters...

I plan to buy a new console but I don't know which one to choose ( of course). The two console seems pretty cools but I would choose a console that offers a lot of games. I don't care about movies, photos, music...

Should I buy a Xbox 360 or a ps3 ? Please, don't be fanatic... I don't want to start a war, I just want to find somes answers

Thanks !


I would advise neither.


The Wii already has all your sports needs covered, with much better games than the PS360

The Wii is getting some very good exclusive shooters, The Conduit and Red Steel 2, as well as (no doubt) Modern Warfare 2 as a multiplat

The Wii is quickly becoming the home console leader for JRPGS. However, the DS is the true king of RPG's this gen.


Conclusion: For your gaming tastes, a DS will help you more than a PS360


Who would have guessed that the stupidest fanboy post in this thread wouldn't come from the Sony side nor the Microsoft side...




I'm not going to argue with you Okey, because to be quite honest, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the thread creator


 If you don't like the thread just don't write on it you Pikmin jerk

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everybody like ps3...the game line up 2009 is awesome

and x-box? have nothing = (

the best RPG's are coming 2013 !!!! oh my god, this is perfect for RPG-GAMER = ) Ni No Kuni - 25 january, Time and Eternity, tales of xillia (PS3) and the maybe best game ever: metal gear solid ground zero

Strategyking92 said:
Jordahn said:
sly777 said:

I already own a nintendo wii. The console is pretty great but I would like to play games like sport games (hockey, football and basket...), RPG, Shooters...

I plan to buy a new console but I don't know which one to choose ( of course). The two console seems pretty cools but I would choose a console that offers a lot of games. I don't care about movies, photos, music...

Should I buy a Xbox 360 or a ps3 ? Please, don't be fanatic... I don't want to start a war, I just want to find somes answers

Thanks !


From your original post...

Sportwise it's pretty equal on both systems.  But if you are also into baseball, MLB the Show ia a quality PS3 exclusive SONY franchise.

RPG the overall edge of quantity currently goes to the 360 with Star Ocean IV, Lost Odyssey, and Infinite Undiscovery along with a graphically superior version of Fallout and VERY buggy DLC.  The PS3 also has its RPG exclusives such as Valkyria Chronicles and Disgaea.  But most of its multi-platform RPG offerings such as Enchanted Arms and Eternal Sonata are superior to the PS3.  It's a give and take with the Elders Scrolls IV: Oblivion with the PS3 having shorter load times and better graphics which the 360 version has DLC to be bought.  Also, Tales of Vesperia will be coming to the PS3 enhanced over the 360 version.  The future seems to hold better for the PS3 because of upcoming titles such has an upcoming Shin Megami Tensei title, Aterier Ronona, and Cross Edge while Demon's Souls and White Knight Chronicles have already been released in Japan.

Shooter, hard to say.  The 360 controller does seem to be better suited for shooters in general, but the Dual Shock is still good.  Exclusives on the 360 are Gears 1 & 2, Halo 3, Crackdown, shadowrun and Left 4 Dead.  On the PS3 you have Resistance 1 & 2, Killzone 2, Ratchet & Clank Future, and with SOCOM and Warhawk being online only.


I just want to parallel the shooter list, for fun:

Gears 1 & 2 = Resistance 1 & 2

Halo 3 = KZ2

R&C: F = Crackdown

SOCOM (critically) = shadowrun

Left 4 Dead (critically kinda)= Warhawk


Lol, I never knew the libraries were so similar!

You asshole!!! How dare you compare L4D to the mess of WH?!



Don't think i'm being fanboyish, but get a PS3 ;)

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

PSN ID: Ferrari_1996

I agree with Haxxiy, buy a PC its much better FPSwise. Although you will miss some of the games that come out on other consoles only.

I own PS3 and a PC and I play almost every game that came out, if its exculsive on 360 then just wait for it and it will be available on PC soon.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Ferrari_7861 said:
Don't think i'm being fanboyish, but get a PS3 ;)


 This is what i'm going to do when the price cut gonna be there. Thanks to everybody who has write on this thread. Your opinion has help me out to take a decision.

Thanks !