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Mendicate Bias said:
I'm kind of ashamed to be the same race as you. Crying over a console, common man. Yes it sucks, happened to me too I hated it but it's nothing to cry over. Why didn't you go to Iran with your parents, you could have gotten round trip tickets to kish including 5 star hotel and hung out on a tropical island for two weeks scuba-diving and jet skiing and a ton of other fun shit. I did it last summer and it all only came out to $200. Its better than sitting at home and crying over a console at least.

Because i rather go to Mallorca at summer then go to Iran and meet my relatives when its so hot that u can barely go outside and to sit at my relatives house and just let them pinch my cheeks saying how much ive grown.


Going to Iran is not a vacation really lol, I rather stay with my friends and have a party with no parents home ;D ;D.


Ok i unplugged the cables now, Lets see till' tomorrow!

And bret hart rulezz :D





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This is the longest " my ______broke thread" ever.........

I feel like a true member here now, I have only 471 posts but thanks to my;
1) Awesome making a tiny thing sucha huge deal posts
2) My photo album(WHICH WILL BE UPDATED XD)
3) Beeing banned for once(Lol left ouside?)
4) Getting some love in the KZ2 clan
5) Epic signature

I feel like more ppl starts to recognize me :') atleast the PS die hard fans XD.

yea as a whiny EMO!!!!

Aldro said:
I feel like a true member here now, I have only 471 posts but thanks to my;
1) Awesome making a tiny thing sucha huge deal posts
2) My photo album(WHICH WILL BE UPDATED XD)
3) Beeing banned for once(Lol left ouside?)
4) Getting some love in the KZ2 clan
5) Epic signature

I feel like more ppl starts to recognize me :') atleast the PS die hard fans XD.


after this thread you'll be known as a cry baby

Initiating social expirement #928719281

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Well atleast it died while you were playing a bad game it would have sucked if it died while you were playing a game like KZ2.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

point x said:
Videogirl said:
Here's a tutorial you can download and which explains of how to fix a YOLD :

Downloads 4,149 times,.... ousch....


Doesn't mean anything. I downloaded it twice  by accident. I just wanted to look at what it suggested since it was an interesting read.

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."

Mendicate Bias said:
I'm kind of ashamed to be the same race as you. Crying over a console, common man. Yes it sucks, happened to me too I hated it but it's nothing to cry over. Why didn't you go to Iran with your parents, you could have gotten round trip tickets to kish including 5 star hotel and hung out on a tropical island for two weeks scuba-diving and jet skiing and a ton of other fun shit. I did it last summer and it all only came out to $200. Its better than sitting at home and crying over a console at least.

Did someone just say race?


Hahaha i laughed so hard at this post.
Du kommer få en 80gb utan back.comp.. fo shizzle.

NanakiXI said:
point x said:
Videogirl said:
Here's a tutorial you can download and which explains of how to fix a YOLD :

Downloads 4,149 times,.... ousch....


Doesn't mean anything. I downloaded it twice  by accident. I just wanted to look at what it suggested since it was an interesting read.


Check out my game about moles ^