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Forums - Sony Discussion - What has gotten into Square Enix?

im quite suprised how many people agree on the decline in square enix games quality..its just sad that last decent current gen game was the world ends with you for the ds

they should just take a break from the final fantasy games and focus on the other franchises they have ..and they cant argue that ff is all the people want and that other franchises cant be (re)established .

any game that has a square logo on the cover just has to be good.. at least thats how it used to be ..and its only because they overdid it with ff games that its not longer like that

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Mirson said:
Kasz216 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
THose who think SE is failing this Gen...
hatmoza 2.0
BMaker 11
loud hot white box
serious frustrating

Those who think Im just a fanboy on a rant and none of us know what we are talking about...

Well you just missed 2 other people who agreed...

and the first 6 people you listed were sony fanboys....

and this is in the sony discussion thread.

I may as well ask whether or not the American revolution was justified in a UK classroom and claim that's popular opinion.


It's actually the first 8 people.

Fair enough... and actually i think Naum before has identified himself as a Nintendo & Sony fanboy.  Which would also show some bias towards 360 i'd imagine.


Have you guys ever thought of it this way? SE is not supporting Sony fans, who have a much stronger SE following. We have the right to be displeased with them. And half of those at odds with SE are multiconsole owners (CGI for one) so FFXIII's MP deal means nothing to them(in the sense of it being MP). Have you ever stopped to think that SE is not pleasing ALL their fans(at least 75%,50 being PS3 and 25 from 360 and Wii) due to lackluster console debuts?

You try to dismiss my claim because I am a known Sony fan, but you cant even refute the fact that many are not in compliance with SE's actions of late.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

forevercloud3000 said:
Have you guys ever thought of it this way? SE is not supporting Sony fans, who have a much stronger SE following. We have the right to be displeased with them. And half of those at odds with SE are multiconsole owners (CGI for one) so FFXIII's MP deal means nothing to them(in the sense of it being MP). Have you ever stopped to think that SE is not pleasing ALL their fans(at least 75%,50 being PS3 and 25 from 360 and Wii) due to lackluster console debuts?

You try to dismiss my claim because I am a known Sony fan, but you cant even refute the fact that many are not in compliance with SE's actions of late.

Now you just proved what Oxy was saying... that wasn't very smart.

The rest of your post is just jibberish.

75% of SE fans are on the PS3?  Where'd you come up with that brilliant number.  One would guess your ass.


Sakaguchi nuthuging needs to stop, hes the bum that ruined square.

Around the Network
terislb said:
im quite suprised how many people agree on the decline in square enix games quality..its just sad that last decent current gen game was the world ends with you for the ds

they should just take a break from the final fantasy games and focus on the other franchises they have ..and they cant argue that ff is all the people want and that other franchises cant be (re)established .

any game that has a square logo on the cover just has to be good.. at least thats how it used to be ..and its only because they overdid it with ff games that its not longer like that


Well, they've purchased Eidos now so good luck with the square logo thingy. FF games are the only ones that still hold my faith in square-enix and it's mainly because of a select few devs not S-E as a whole anymore when those become "made for the west", I can wipe my hands and stick to the SMT games.

There's a reason Persona 4 is the highest rated Japanese RPG of recent by both fans and critics. It's simple: it was made with a Japanese soul not sugar-coated "to appeal to the west". This is why we love the game. Many Japanese devs are forgetting this.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Kasz216 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Have you guys ever thought of it this way? SE is not supporting Sony fans, who have a much stronger SE following. We have the right to be displeased with them. And half of those at odds with SE are multiconsole owners (CGI for one) so FFXIII's MP deal means nothing to them(in the sense of it being MP). Have you ever stopped to think that SE is not pleasing ALL their fans(at least 75%,50 being PS3 and 25 from 360 and Wii) due to lackluster console debuts?

You try to dismiss my claim because I am a known Sony fan, but you cant even refute the fact that many are not in compliance with SE's actions of late.

Now you just proved what Oxy was saying... that wasn't very smart.

The rest of your post is just jibberish.

75% of SE fans are on the PS3?  Where'd you come up with that brilliant number.  One would guess your ass.



I see part of your many failings is that you lack the ability to read as well.

75% of those displeased with SE of late, not 75%  of fanbase is PS3. And it is a guesstimate,no hard facts besides my personal specation from gamers. Majority of those being displeased from SE's actions come from PS3 (No?) and the rest come from other consoles or are multiconsole owners.

The issue here is that everytime a PS3 fan(myself) says SE is fucking up, I am being a fanboy. Thats rubbish because Not only PS3 fans are the ones saying that SE is fucking up PS3,360, and Wii fans alike come together on this topic.

And what did I prove right that Oxy said? I stopped listening to anything he posted a while back (I have never seen a Mod that Trolled before now).

you "xbots" are the ones steering this thread off topic. It was about how SE is messing up the good thing they had (an opinion not only held by me by a huge margin). You all took it to "PS3 fans are butt hurt because of FFXIII"(even though it goes beyond the FFXIII mishap). I just answered the overwhelming swell of "your type" in my thread.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

forevercloud3000 said:
Kasz216 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Have you guys ever thought of it this way? SE is not supporting Sony fans, who have a much stronger SE following. We have the right to be displeased with them. And half of those at odds with SE are multiconsole owners (CGI for one) so FFXIII's MP deal means nothing to them(in the sense of it being MP). Have you ever stopped to think that SE is not pleasing ALL their fans(at least 75%,50 being PS3 and 25 from 360 and Wii) due to lackluster console debuts?

You try to dismiss my claim because I am a known Sony fan, but you cant even refute the fact that many are not in compliance with SE's actions of late.

Now you just proved what Oxy was saying... that wasn't very smart.

The rest of your post is just jibberish.

75% of SE fans are on the PS3?  Where'd you come up with that brilliant number.  One would guess your ass.



I see part of your many failings is that you lack the ability to read as well.

75% of those displeased with SE of late, not 75%  of fanbase is PS3. And it is a guesstimate,no hard facts besides my personal specation from gamers. Majority of those being displeased from SE's actions come from PS3 (No?) and the rest come from other consoles or are multiconsole owners.

The issue here is that everytime a PS3 fan(myself) says SE is fucking up, I am being a fanboy. Thats rubbish because Not only PS3 fans are the ones saying that SE is fucking up PS3,360, and Wii fans alike come together on this topic.

And what did I prove right that Oxy said? I stopped listening to anything he posted a while back (I have never seen a Mod that Trolled before now).

you "xbots" are the ones steering this thread off topic. It was about how SE is messing up the good thing they had (an opinion not only held by me by a huge margin). You all took it to "PS3 fans are butt hurt because of FFXIII"(even though it goes beyond the FFXIII mishap). I just answered the overwhelming swell of "your type" in my thread.

I'm an Xbot now?  Well I think that completes it.  I've been called a fanboy of all three systems.

The "50% of the 75% of fans mad are PS3 fans" once again does prove the point that people are pissed off because well... they're sony fans.  Rather then Square Enix fans.  It's not Square Enix that's changed.  It's the systems they publish on that has.

Also the 75% of their fans are mad claim is dubious since their sales stay ever the same.

If they did really piss off 75% of their fans it seems like they've made about all that back with new consumers... and magically sell just around what they always sell.

It's possible.  Not probable.

More likely this "75%" is really nothing but a few loud complainers who you've extrapolated into a majority because you agree with them.  The vocal minority as it's called.


they bought eidos? i didnt know that .. and i shudder at the possiblities this opens for them . eidos being bought by squaresoft that would have been a preposterous statement a few years back..and now its real

i feel ike they started appealing to the west with final fantasy 8 and 9 but those were still good anyway

but the more recent games feel like they were exclusively made to appeal to the west with no regard to the japanese market .and in doing so scaring of a lot of fans from both demografies

Well as long as they get money from microsoft, they couldn`t care less. Microsoft is so obsessed with getting the SE games to 360, even if they won`t earn a penny. It`s really microsoft who is the "idiots". Not SE, which cares about money like most companies in the world.