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Forums - Sony Discussion - What has gotten into Square Enix?

Kasz216 said:

Did JRPGS really become more popular afterwords?

It doesn't look that way...  JRPGS largely are as niche as they always used to be. 

The marketing campaign is what made the difference not the game.  The campaign got you to play the game.

Hell yes they did. You're lying to yourself if you think that FF7 didn't bring more people to the genre. While the FF series was the main beneficiary, other series have been helped as well.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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Xbot said:
i like how ps3 fans call all 360 rpgs mediocre. you probably nevr played them.

Eh, they all aren't mediocre, Tales of Vesperia and Lost Odyssey are the ones really worth anything. (they are awesome!)

And the only one I haven't spent enough time with is Star Ocean, so I won't comment on it.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Kasz216 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
THose who think SE is failing this Gen...
hatmoza 2.0
BMaker 11
loud hot white box
serious frustrating

Those who think Im just a fanboy on a rant and none of us know what we are talking about...

Well you just missed 2 other people who agreed...

and the first 6 people you listed were sony fanboys....

and this is in the sony discussion thread.

I may as well ask whether or not the American revolution was justified in a UK classroom and claim that's popular opinion.

Look at my post! I don't think they're failing! But I don't think this is a rant.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Onyxmeth said:
Jo21 said:
i owOnyxmeth said:
Khuutra said:
CGI-Quality said:
Khuutra said:

Edit: Nevermind.

Why don'tcha own a PSP or DS, CGI?

Never really thought about it until this gen. I will be getting a PSP next week though, yay!!!

It will definitely serve your Square needs better than the current-gen consoles will. In the future you might consider a DS, too, but a PSP will tide you over for a long, long time, especially after this year.

I second the recommendation for a DS, but a PSP by the end of 2009 is going to look mighty enticing to a Square Enix fan, more so than any console will. Square falling off was much more true last generation than this one. This generation is more of a resurgence of Square Enix, but only those with a DS and/or PSP are going to see that. Everyone else has a warped perception based on their ideals that only console games matter, but they have no problem praising the PSOne era of blocky polygonal graphics as a breathtaking time to play Square games.


i own a ds and psp and ps3 and i think their games have turned into shit.



What have you actually played from them? Your collection barely has any DS games on it and a good portion of your collection is full of unreleased games. Have you played Dragon Quest IV and V? Final Fantasy III and IV? Chrono Trigger? Chocobo Tales? Space Invaders Extreme? Sigma Harmonics? Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings? Final Fantasty Tactics A2? Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime? Unless you've played most of these games then I don't think you have much say over whether Square is on a slippery slope into the abyss.



FF 3 and 4 YES on the snes, and chrono trigger on the snes!- i remades won't make me play them again, only FF7 have the power to do that to me.

played the first dungeon of revenant wings and it was craps i think PSP tactics its superior to the GBA DS ones.

i am not a fan of the dragon quest that are not develop by level 5. i only played 8. after all.

DS have not many games because the not many being released, and i got it my Q4 last year.

"If these SE games were on PS3 he wouldn't be bitching, but they aren't so he is."


cry more sony fanboys :P

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Jo21 said:
Onyxmeth said:

What have you actually played from them? Your collection barely has any DS games on it and a good portion of your collection is full of unreleased games. Have you played Dragon Quest IV and V? Final Fantasy III and IV? Chrono Trigger? Chocobo Tales? Space Invaders Extreme? Sigma Harmonics? Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings? Final Fantasty Tactics A2? Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime? Unless you've played most of these games then I don't think you have much say over whether Square is on a slippery slope into the abyss.


FF 3 and 4 YES on the snes, and chrono trigger on the snes!- i remades won't make me play them again, only FF7 have the power to do that to me.

played the first dungeon of revenant wings and it was craps i think PSP tactics its superior to the GBA DS ones.

i am not a fan of the dragon quest that are not develop by level 5. i only played 8. after all.

Okay so ignoring the fact that you haven't played the vast majority of the games Square has released (III wasn't on the SNES, you're thinking of VI, which isn't on the DS) -

Level 5 developed DQ8, yes, but how would you know whether or not you're a fan of the others? You've kind of admitted to never playing them.

Onyxmeth said:
Khuutra said:
CGI-Quality said:
Khuutra said:

Edit: Nevermind.

Why don'tcha own a PSP or DS, CGI?

Never really thought about it until this gen. I will be getting a PSP next week though, yay!!!

It will definitely serve your Square needs better than the current-gen consoles will. In the future you might consider a DS, too, but a PSP will tide you over for a long, long time, especially after this year.

I second the recommendation for a DS, but a PSP by the end of 2009 is going to look mighty enticing to a Square Enix fan, more so than any console will. Square falling off was much more true last generation than this one. This generation is more of a resurgence of Square Enix, but only those with a DS and/or PSP are going to see that. Everyone else has a warped perception based on their ideals that only console games matter, but they have no problem praising the PSOne era of blocky polygonal graphics as a breathtaking time to play Square games.


Dissidia is a love letter from Square to its fans.

And personally, Crisis Core is the best thing Square has made since they released Final Fantasy XII.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Jo21 said:
Onyxmeth said:
Jo21 said:
i owOnyxmeth said:
Khuutra said:
CGI-Quality said:
Khuutra said:

Edit: Nevermind.

Why don'tcha own a PSP or DS, CGI?

Never really thought about it until this gen. I will be getting a PSP next week though, yay!!!

It will definitely serve your Square needs better than the current-gen consoles will. In the future you might consider a DS, too, but a PSP will tide you over for a long, long time, especially after this year.

I second the recommendation for a DS, but a PSP by the end of 2009 is going to look mighty enticing to a Square Enix fan, more so than any console will. Square falling off was much more true last generation than this one. This generation is more of a resurgence of Square Enix, but only those with a DS and/or PSP are going to see that. Everyone else has a warped perception based on their ideals that only console games matter, but they have no problem praising the PSOne era of blocky polygonal graphics as a breathtaking time to play Square games.


i own a ds and psp and ps3 and i think their games have turned into shit.



What have you actually played from them? Your collection barely has any DS games on it and a good portion of your collection is full of unreleased games. Have you played Dragon Quest IV and V? Final Fantasy III and IV? Chrono Trigger? Chocobo Tales? Space Invaders Extreme? Sigma Harmonics? Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings? Final Fantasty Tactics A2? Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime? Unless you've played most of these games then I don't think you have much say over whether Square is on a slippery slope into the abyss.



FF 3 and 4 YES on the snes, and chrono trigger on the snes!- i remades won't make me play them again, only FF7 have the power to do that to me.

played the first dungeon of revenant wings and it was craps i think PSP tactics its superior to the GBA DS ones.

i am not a fan of the dragon quest that are not develop by level 5. i only played 8. after all.

How would you know you aren't a fan of non-Level 5 developed Dragon Quest games if you've only played DQ VIII?

Also what about the other games I've mentioned? There's more too but I wouldn't expect someone to have played them all, just most of them to make a good decision that SE is falling.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Khuutra said:
Jo21 said:
Onyxmeth said:

What have you actually played from them? Your collection barely has any DS games on it and a good portion of your collection is full of unreleased games. Have you played Dragon Quest IV and V? Final Fantasy III and IV? Chrono Trigger? Chocobo Tales? Space Invaders Extreme? Sigma Harmonics? Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings? Final Fantasty Tactics A2? Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime? Unless you've played most of these games then I don't think you have much say over whether Square is on a slippery slope into the abyss.

FF 3 and 4 YES on the snes, and chrono trigger on the snes!- i remades won't make me play them again, only FF7 have the power to do that to me.

played the first dungeon of revenant wings and it was craps i think PSP tactics its superior to the GBA DS ones.

i am not a fan of the dragon quest that are not develop by level 5. i only played 8. after all.

Okay so ignoring the fact that you haven't played the vast majority of the games Square has released (III wasn't on the SNES, you're thinking of VI, which isn't on the DS) -

Level 5 developed DQ8, yes, but how would you know whether or not you're a fan of the others? You've kind of admitted to never playing them.

Well, I wouldn't think they are/were easy to find in South America.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Khuutra said:
Jo21 said:
Onyxmeth said:

What have you actually played from them? Your collection barely has any DS games on it and a good portion of your collection is full of unreleased games. Have you played Dragon Quest IV and V? Final Fantasy III and IV? Chrono Trigger? Chocobo Tales? Space Invaders Extreme? Sigma Harmonics? Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings? Final Fantasty Tactics A2? Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime? Unless you've played most of these games then I don't think you have much say over whether Square is on a slippery slope into the abyss.


FF 3 and 4 YES on the snes, and chrono trigger on the snes!- i remades won't make me play them again, only FF7 have the power to do that to me.

played the first dungeon of revenant wings and it was craps i think PSP tactics its superior to the GBA DS ones.

i am not a fan of the dragon quest that are not develop by level 5. i only played 8. after all.

Okay so ignoring the fact that you haven't played the vast majority of the games Square has released (III wasn't on the SNES, you're thinking of VI, which isn't on the DS) -

Level 5 developed DQ8, yes, but how would you know whether or not you're a fan of the others? You've kind of admitted to never playing them.

because i havent play them i think they are boring hell i even think DQ8 was boring but the good develop battle system  and good use of ps2  graphics made it bearable thanks to level 5.

and they are mostly remades of old games, spin off of Square games i don't care.

where are the games like xenogears, Chrono Cross, etc?

likely not released yet.

*waiting patiently for FF13 and Versus*