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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Periodic Table of Console and Handhelds Controllers

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Not trying to be mean, but your sentence is a little off. You should use see instead of watch. Just trying to be helpful as I am guessing you don't speak English natively.

That really is a cool chart. Someoen was way too bored though to sit down and come up with it. I need to study it now to bitch about minor problems.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

The chart itself is pretty good, but it lacks Game & Watch (with its various controller types) completely. And the NES controller should be dated to 1983 and include the microphone.

Those were what i noticed in a quick look.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

I thought the N64 was launched in 1996... and the NES was launched in 1983.

Oh yes, TWRoo is right. N64 was released in 1996. How i didn't see that. Also, the list lacks Virtual Boy.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.