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Forums - Sony Discussion - first ninja gaiden sigma 2 trailer¡¡¡¡¡. from GDC. awesome¡¡¡¡

with this i will finally beat NG2. I couldn't stand NG2 in its current state, sent the game back to gamefly after 4 missions. ayami and momji + online co-op gives me a reason to try it again.

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Depending how well the Co-Op is implemented, I might just have to think about buying this

I have Ninja Gaiden Sigma and I've yet to play Ninja Gaiden 2.  I will be getting this game when it comes out. 

It's also one less reason to get a 360 (for me that is).  Now all I need is Fable 2 to go to PC and Square to announce Star Ocean: The Last Hope for PS3.  If that happens I won't need a 360 at all!

they need a home space for this like RE5 for the online co-op.




 New Playable Character


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axumblade said:
Wow. Just thinking about it...Quantum Theory and now Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma. What did the PS3 do to strike Tecmo so right?


 Nothing. 360/Microsoft just struck Tecmo the wrong way.


TGS this year for PS3 will be amazing.

Grandia comes to PSN(PSone classic).

First Versus gameplay this year.

The Adventures Of Duane and Brando

im not fun of ninja gaiden series but it looks good

Man, now I start to feel excited. Online coop, a lot of extra content, improved camera. Now I just wish there was local coop too.

Looks great, i liked Sigma alot so im gonna buy this, new character online co-op is more than enough for me.


shinyuhadouken said:
Thanks for posting that.

Ayane fights just as bad ass as Ryu.


your welcome¡¡¡. your right, that chick knows how to fight¡¡¡. one question guys. is sony gonna have a press conference in GDC?. was it today?.