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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GDC: Your predictions

I know GDC isn't exactly a games showcase in the same vein as E3 and TGS, but it is still a launch platform for some titles.

What do you think we'll see?

I think safe bets are some God of War 3, some Lionhead goodness, and some Mass Effect 2.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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The obvious one is the Insomniac game, one a year and cannot see it being left for E3. No new games being announced apart from that one bar some PSN, Live or WiiWare games.

Maybe some gameplay for ME2 but that is more of a wish.


I would expect the Insomniac game yeah. A lot of it comes down to how fine Sony and Microsoft want to cut it between new game announcement and release.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I predict all-around disappointment.

God Tier:

Alan Wake gameplay

New HD Tales game

Kingdom Heartz 3 (lulz)

High Tier:

Alan Wake trailer

New Tales

God of War 3 gameplay

Team ICO announcement

New Zelda reveal

New Star Ocean

Middle Tier:

MGS4: Existance

More Halo

another Resistence

Price cuts and more peripherals


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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I'd love to see Twisted Metal, but I'm not expecting that until E3. MGS4 Existence will be showcased sooner or later as well.

I honestly have low expectations for this.

I also have low expectations.

No price cuts. No major exclusive game announcements (saving them for E3)

Lots of new gameplay footage and hands on with games we already know are coming out. Many a few multi-platform game announcements that would otherwise be lost behind the major games at E3.

Nothing from Microsoft until E3.

Since the European release date for Wii Motion Plus was let slip (but not the date for Wii Sports Resort), i expect to see something to de-mistify all of this. Might be time for Microsoft to show off more NXE stuff (possibly that primetime thing), and Sony will pitch more of the same, top-tier games that we know of.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Yeah I don't expect much in the way of new games. But I expect heaps of new footage.

But that can be misleading. The Alone in the Dark footage last GDC was great...

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS