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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

Don't temp me Neo ... I still have 5 games still in their shrink wraps. It's sad really, I need intervention therapy.

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I got the Magic to download but it gave me error when generating the redeption code (for free actual Magic card). I heard the card is much sought after and can fetch $8-12 on eBay which would pretty much pay for the game.

So far it's pretty fun, however if you are looking for real hard core Magic experience you better off looing elsewhere like MGO instead. This is pretty much a newbie version. it's still fun and AI is competent enough to make you feel challenge.

Damn everyone here wants Magic I think I'm the only one getting Sam and Max god I loved the old point and click.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Magic: The Gathering has made it to tournament status...

@mysticD: Ghostbusters is still waiting for you...

That was quick for Magic. Same for Ghostbusters, it should make status.

Looks like I gotta couple of races on my hands boys!

I agree with mysticD about magic being simplistic at this point but as you continue you do unlock better cards and decks. We know they are bringing more decks with DLC, hopefully they will tweak the deck customizer and allow you to take out the starting cards instead of just adding the new ones. Either way, I have to say I'm kind of happy you can't buy all kinds of cards and beat people with your wallet. When I log on to play I have just as much chance as the next person, and it becomes much more about skill than money. But the game is more than likely selling well, we should see some good growth to the content.

mysticD, what games are you still holding unopened?

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Ghostbusters is now a race.


I just got Ninja Blade for $15.00 buck along with DLC for Fallout 3 disc, I got HAWX for $20 awhile back, also C&C Kain Wrath $10.00 and a few other clearance stuff - Saint Row 2 and some other $10.00 stuff that Best Buy have on sale a while back.

If you have Best Buy around you they are clearing out End War Limited Edtion one with the wireless head set for $39.99 which is cheaper than getting the headset by itself.

That's a lot of game playing to do! Walmart has Soldier of Fortune for sale online for 10 dollars and I'm thinking about it because I always liked those. But it got slammed in reviews. They had I'm in the movies for 10 dollars and I was going to get it just for the camera but now its sold out :(

The league is up-to-date for this week.

Hey NeoRatt I have 600 GS in Red Faction yet I dont appear on the leaderboard for that game. Any idea whats going on with that?

Also great job with the league, I dont post often but I always check out this thread. The competition is very addictive even though I rarely place in any race or in overall GS.