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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

OK, so does everyone agree everything stays status quo until next season?

And that the season should continue until the end of December?

I still want go-forward ideas though... particularly, I want to make sure that as many gamers as feasible stay engaged with the league.

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I agree it should go till end of December, or you can split it into 2, like Jan - June, July - Dec if you are willing - meaning it will be reset now and Ronster wins Season 2, and Season 3 starts now till end of Dec.

Next years 360 line up is big in Spring, with Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake and FF13.

We will go for a December 31-ish end to the current season. I will revisit the topic in November or early December.

In the meantime if you want to think about ideas and PM me that would be great...

Thanks for the feedback everyone...

@neo the staggered point system ie 1000 gamerscore points = 6 etc, will make people feel more accomplished but at the same time it's gonna be a lot of work for you, so I'm against the idea. The league is hard enough to run as it is but I agree some new ideas for next season would be great.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Grahamhsu said:
@neo the staggered point system ie 1000 gamerscore points = 6 etc, will make people feel more accomplished but at the same time it's gonna be a lot of work for you, so I'm against the idea. The league is hard enough to run as it is but I agree some new ideas for next season would be great.

I don't see this as hard to implement. It would actually be just an Excel formula. 

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Eh I would think it would take more time since you have to add points to everybody's score now as opposed to a couple (namely me for the last 2 weeks in a row ; D ) I'm guessing I still don't get it though and the Excel Formula pretty much auto adds everything?

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Grahamhsu said:
Eh I would think it would take more time since you have to add points to everybody's score now as opposed to a couple (namely me for the last 2 weeks in a row ; D ) I'm guessing I still don't get it though and the Excel Formula pretty much auto adds everything?

It would be simple based on the way I setup the spreadsheet.  The time for the league is spent in other places.  Platinums are the most time consuming.  I have taken it from 8 hours of work down to two, but that is still the largest task...  All the rest takes 45 minutes now through some fancy cutting, copying, pasting, and understanding some of the behaviours of Word, Notepad, and Excel.  At the end, I spend 20 minutes pasting it into the forum posts...

Ugh... Super Hard mode in Bionic Commando Rearmed is insane. Probably the hardest achievement I've encountered. I started the game thinking the challenge room achievement would be the most difficult but I only have rooms 51 and 56 remaining.

Sacred 2 (9 Owners) and UFC (9 Owners) are still on the brink of full tournaments.

Why is no one buying Red Faction? It is getting excellent press...

Guess everyone is getting ready for Prototype?

I'll be in the Prototype race. Though I'm eager to read some reviews of it. Less than 2 days before it comes out and not one review.