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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

d21lewis said:
Why isn't this thread "stickied" yet?

because it is in the online gaming forum which only has 0 stickies and only 1 page of threads. You aren't supposed to create new threads in this section without admin approval


If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

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Oh. It gets hard to find sometimes, though.

Man, I really didn't want to go up in competition with Ronster on Outrun because I just knew he would run away with the race :)

I'm actually having some trouble with a lot of those achievements.

I can't top 1 million on Out Run mode. I was able to get 911,000 but now I can't even match that. I'm just unclear on what the best way to get more points is. I mean, do you only focus on finishing the race as quick as possible and hope the left over seconds boost your score enough? Or do you need to try and slip stream as much as earthly possible because that seems to boost your score the most? Also drifting seems useless for racking up scores because its hard to slip stream and drift at the same time. But it seems like a balancing act, if I drift I lose time and score and if I just slipstream I lose time but gain score. It's kind of frustrating. Same with continuous mode where I can only manage about 2,100,000.

On the Heart Attack mode I just can't do it but I keep trying.

On the time trials forget about I'm just not that fast. I think the best I accomplished was 4:50.

@ Nordlead
I thought this would be in the Microsoft forums! My bad!!

JPL78 said:

Man, I really didn't want to go up in competition with Ronster on Outrun because I just knew he would run away with the race :)

I'm actually having some trouble with a lot of those achievements.

I can't top 1 million on Out Run mode. I was able to get 911,000 but now I can't even match that. I'm just unclear on what the best way to get more points is. I mean, do you only focus on finishing the race as quick as possible and hope the left over seconds boost your score enough? Or do you need to try and slip stream as much as earthly possible because that seems to boost your score the most? Also drifting seems useless for racking up scores because its hard to slip stream and drift at the same time. But it seems like a balancing act, if I drift I lose time and score and if I just slipstream I lose time but gain score. It's kind of frustrating. Same with continuous mode where I can only manage about 2,100,000.

On the Heart Attack mode I just can't do it but I keep trying.

On the time trials forget about I'm just not that fast. I think the best I accomplished was 4:50.

Every rival car you pass whilst drifting AND without touching it = +50,000 to your score, every rival car you pass that you touch = -12,500 to your score, i got to a million but only with about 20 seconds to spare.

I'm working on heart attack mode but i'm now struggling to hit the ghosts for some reason (i was passing that area no problem before i discovered you need AAA on EVERY section and EVERY task grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

If you can hit the ghosts then the rest should fall in to place.

1st route...... Pass the cars, drift
2nd route..... Turn left at junction, don't touch cars, collect coins, drift.
3rd route.... Turn right, Hit the ghosts, slide in the red area
4th route.... Turn  right, pass the convoy.
5th route..... Turn right, collect the stars.

I have got AAA on all of the above tasks, but NOT in one run hence my best so far is only AA


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@Ronster, yeah its kind of silly it says get AAA "overall" which implies an average when it should read get AAA on every task.

Thanks for the tips, I'll try your route. I've just been doing all left paths. I have trouble passing the convoy. I can usually get to second place but just don't have enough time to pass the first car.

I didn't realize you got that many points for drifting past rivals. Thanks for sharing. I suppose I should have noticed it on the score board but the game is so fast I don't look at the score much. That should definitely help.

No probs man.

It's a tough game but has that "ONE MORE GO" beauty to it

oh, and so you know, when i got a million there were a few few rival cars that i didn't get 50,000 for passing (only got 25,000 on some) so there is defo a margin for error factor too.

Yeah, it definitely keeps drawing you back in for one more race. But the beauty of it is the simplicity and fun. I think game development in general has gotten very far away from that sort of arcade game mentality for the most part.

True, we get re-releases of classic games on xbla/vc/psn ect and its all good, but what i don't understand is why can't they just make NEW old skool games in the old fashioned way and release them for xbla ect.

I would love a side scrolling Streets Of Rage 4 or a 2D version of Sonic and Knuckles 2 for example.

Its all about grahpics and 3D now though ain't it

That's the truth. But on top of that its all about playing one game for 10 hours, not playing a game like Outrun that ends in 5 minutes but then you just do it over and over because you want to.

I would die for Smash TV 2 with 4 players and online support, but keep it top down view. I would also love for Crazy Taxi to come to the Live Arcade.