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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

Seece: Not too much detail please but it's good right? Looks good, easy to get into and scary in spots? 12-14 hrs maybe?

Gave up on the 14 hitter on PoP. I swear I hit it perfectly around 40 times on every possible boss in 3 separate games but it just won't give me the gs. Hundreds of tries. I could hit xxxyxyayxybaxb in my sleep. Tried the alternate finishes as well ayx, ayb etc. I'll get it someday. Thanks for trying to help but the vids online look just like what I was doing. Combo specialist was easy by comparison. Time to move on.

Psyched for Forgotten Sands? They would have the same damn release day this side of the pond.

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Recon1O1 said:
Seece: Not too much detail please but it's good right? Looks good, easy to get into and scary in spots? 12-14 hrs maybe?

Gave up on the 14 hitter on PoP. I swear I hit it perfectly around 40 times on every possible boss in 3 separate games but it just won't give me the gs. Hundreds of tries. I could hit xxxyxyayxybaxb in my sleep. Tried the alternate finishes as well ayx, ayb etc. I'll get it someday. Thanks for trying to help but the vids online look just like what I was doing. Combo specialist was easy by comparison. Time to move on.

Psyched for Forgotten Sands? They would have the same damn release day this side of the pond.

I'm sorry you couldn't get that 14 combo achievement, it is infuirating I know. Go back to it every now and then if you can.

I am waiting for reviews/demo on POP forgotton sands.

Read my review for AWA, I promise, no spoilers!!


Thanks for the help with PoP. I'll check your review on AW and hold off for a week on FS.

Recon1O1 said:
Thanks for the help with PoP. I'll check your review on AW and hold off for a week on FS.

If you havn't already, check out these guides -

and check the comments out, there might be something helpful there!!


VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League
GS Career TA Career League Career TA Leaderboard
GS Season TA Season League Season MGC Leaderboard
GS Weekly TA Weekly League Weekly League Rules
Active Tournaments 2009 Hall of Fame Platinum  Game Awards  
Potential Tournaments Past Hall of Fame Platinum Games  
NOTE: May 20th update will not appear until May 25th as NeoRatt is on vacation

The update is complete.

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Things are back to normal now for the league. everything is up-to-date.

NOTE: There were some career and season league point adjustments. There were a couple updates where I double counted weekly points in and a one where I didn't add the weekly points. Sorry, about the errors.

Absolutely no worries Neo. Thanks for all this and I hope you have a great vacation. We all got kinda hammered last week on TA ratios but that was a site adjustment over there. I wondered if someone thought I was cheating till I realized you and JPL etc. were down there with me. Enjoy.

I'm glad everything is fixed.

Game Room plays havoc with the TA ratios because anyone can download it but you can only progress in the achievements by purchasing games.

Prince of Persia is definitely of interest to me. I couldn't think enough how I hated the reboot, unlike some other Ubi Montreal game lately what was it...... *conviction*

Either way I'm glad they can realize, hey the sands games were better, not broken and in no need of dumbing down or "fixing." Now they need to realize this with Splinter Cell and go back to its core gameplay.

@JPL78 I felt the PoP reboot was ok but incomplete. The boss battles were mostly a joke and the collection was challenging and fun, but it got repetitive quickly. They really needed to get more action on the hack 'n' slash side, more variety into the bosses, and more variety in the gameplay elements to spice it up...

They focused way too much on collection and not enough on the action side.

@JPL Funny you should say that about Conviction, because I hated the third echelon mission, which was clearly a throwback to the old Splinter Cells. I'm sick of going into rooms dodging lasers, and sick of the "if you're detected, mission over" mentality the older games had, but to each their own, I guess.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.