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Sounds like Lost in Nightmare's title is very fitting of what actually happens? I'm picking up Gold edition at some point because I've never played RE 5 at all, but that part sounds terrible.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

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@themanwithnoname, yeah they are definitely trying to put the fear in you at that part. Which, I'm all for but I think if the game has to achieve fear by taking your items and putting you in a death trap room with two Axe guys, all I'm saying is a save would have really helped some people like me who can get frustrated could save, quit, take a breath, come back later. This isn't the Atari 2600 days, a save point is not too much to ask.

Also I don't understand the logic in letting the player pick up all these items, shotgun, magnum, machine gun, ammo, grenades, health only to then turn right around and take it from the player. I'll know next time to just go all out because you can't save any of that stuff.

Its a good game though themanwithnoname, worth it for the original campaign alone. Just a few questionable design choices in the DLC, that's all. And I don't know about the other episode I haven't tried it yet.

JPL78 said:
Neo what's wrong with it exactly? I mean, I can't tell but I don't follow everyone's progress every week, so if there was a problem I wouldn't notice. Its killing me waiting on the update. Between a lot of game room and the harder conviction achievements I should have a good TA rating this week, as well as a new plat, so I'm really dying to see the results.

But I looked at the league season and I don't see anything weird, maybe I'm missing it.

The career and season league points are not currently balancing in my spreadsheet.

To ease your pain I posted the weekly league points.  I won't have time to figure out all the career and league scores until the next update.

SEECE: Note your platinum isn't updated yet.  I will make sure you get it in the next update.

JPL78 said:
Neo, yeah, certain games I get rid of prematurely. I bought Dead Rising three times. Actually, playing Conviction and really not liking it that much, in some odd way increased my love of Double Agent because its more traditional splinter cell. My problem at this point, despite being so close to getting almost all the remaining achievements, I need help at this point because some of the challenges require two people for the missions. eNamrah said he picked up a copy but he's not going to get around to it until after Alan Wake. I guess I'll focus on RE5 for the time being.

Actually I need to get into game room and post some challenge scores with you guys. I'm never going to get those few achievements if I don't step it up. I'm having some problems overall with Gameroom. When you play in a challenge your gameplay amounts to nothing except the challenge. Your score doesn't post to your overall leaderboard and you don't get medals no matter how you perform in challenges. So if you have that one amazing game of Super Breakout where you manage to not die instantly constantly, and somehow kick some butt in the challenge.... it doesn't nothing to help you what so ever except for competing in the challenge. Seems flawed to me. Leaderboards need to be consistent across the entire game.

I know what you mean about game room challenges...  I hate that it doesn't count towards medals as well.

I had a pretty good game of Road Fighter for you to beat.  But, other then that you and Ronster are dominating me.  Keep it up and you'll get your challenge achievements.

@JPL78 on Capcom....

I think the game designers are laughing at you right now. Just to add insult to injury...

On some of these games, I think the designers should be forced to play the same nightmare.

I agree RE5 is a great game, but it could have been better with some more modern game mechanics and controls...  Having to stop to shoot is crap now-a-days.

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@Neo, so its something you will be able to fix?

Road Figther is tough. I couldn't come anywhere close to your score. And Super Breakout is more frustrating than it is fun, but I didn't stand a chance against Ronster. I was happy to win the other challenges. I'm up to 8 now. I posted a few new ones from the games added this week that I got.

There should be one more gamepack divided among the next two weeks, I wonder what they'll add now.

RE5, I know what you mean about not moving and shooting. I does seem stupid and I thought the same thing. But I got quickly used to it and it is a very fun game. I had trouble trying to jump right back in and beat the remaining half of the game on professional. I believe it was me and Grahamshu who had gone through most of it co-op before. Having things like Gatling guns with unlimited ammo doesn't hurt on those later play throughs.

edit: Also Neo please don't forget I should have a plat and some plat league points for Splinter Cell Conviction.

JPL78 said:

@Neo, so its something you will be able to fix?

Road Figther is tough. I couldn't come anywhere close to your score. And Super Breakout is more frustrating than it is fun, but I didn't stand a chance against Ronster. I was happy to win the other challenges. I'm up to 8 now. I posted a few new ones from the games added this week that I got.

There should be one more gamepack divided among the next two weeks, I wonder what they'll add now.

RE5, I know what you mean about not moving and shooting. I does seem stupid and I thought the same thing. But I got quickly used to it and it is a very fun game. I had trouble trying to jump right back in and beat the remaining half of the game on professional. I believe it was me and Grahamshu who had gone through most of it co-op before. Having things like Gatling guns with unlimited ammo doesn't hurt on those later play throughs.

edit: Also Neo please don't forget I should have a plat and some plat league points for Splinter Cell Conviction.

I have the seasonal stuff worked out.  There was an update in early March that screwed things up.  Fortuantely, I keep all the spreadsheets and can figure it all out.

Road Fighter.  The key is to get the multi-colored bonus cars consecutively without wiping out.  Each time you get one the bonus doubles.  The 70K game I have standing with your challenge I only got midway through level 2 but I got every bonus car on the way.

I really like what they are doing with Game Room.  There have been some really good surprises (for me) so far...  Mega Mania, Jungler, Keystone Kapers, etc.  And I see they announced next week's via twitter...  Asteroids, Time Pilot, Demons to Diamonds, Grand Prix, Space Duel, Shark! Shark!, and Stampede...

RE5 is RE and although the mechanics of gameplay are outdated I loved the game and the graphics/sound are some of the best we have seen this generation.  I wish it would have messed a little more with my head psychologically, but all in all it was a AAA third person shooter.

Splinter Cell tournment ends this tonight so people will get their points later tonight.  I am going through the Platinums and this time I should get yours and Dynosaw's for L4D...  Last week was a nightmare.  I am the lead corporate architect for an organization and crap was flying everywhere around architecture.  Tonight, I will get things right.  I will be late posting as I have to do some working late tonight but things will be in order this time.

Currently have 37/50 on Alan Wake, the lowest difficulty is Normal, and then there is a hard and nightmare mode. Going to try the Nightmare mode achievements tomorrow.


Seece said:
Currently have 37/50 on Alan Wake, the lowest difficulty is Normal, and then there is a hard and nightmare mode. Going to try the Nightmare mode achievements tomorrow.

Wow.  Are you playing it offline?  How long have you had it and how many hours have you put into it?  Well, congrats on 1st place. lol

eNamrah said:
Seece said:
Currently have 37/50 on Alan Wake, the lowest difficulty is Normal, and then there is a hard and nightmare mode. Going to try the Nightmare mode achievements tomorrow.

Wow.  Are you playing it offline?  How long have you had it and how many hours have you put into it?  Well, congrats on 1st place. lol

Since last week, my first play through was around 13 ish hours, on my second play through now.

My review has just gone live -