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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

Seece said:
Just an FYI, I need my L4D2 plat, currently have the highest score

Yes, I missed it...  Not one of my better update weeks...  I'll clean everything up this weekend.  Thanks.

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NeoRatt said:
Seece said:
Just an FYI, I need my L4D2 plat, currently have the highest score

Yes, I missed it...  Not one of my better update weeks...  I'll clean everything up this weekend.  Thanks.

It's fine, I imagine it's a big job to do, bound to have your off days!!


Anybody going to give Record of Agarest War a shot? I plan on picking it up once it gets a pricecut...we don't get too many SRPGs on the 360 anyway.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

Alright, after buying Splinter Cell Double Agent for the third time, I'm going to take back my plat and hopefully score the full 1000 points.

Other games traded for include Skate 2 (I'm a Tony Hawk fan, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater is dead, thought I would give this a shot and man is it a completely different game)

Also Resident Evil 5 Gold. Going to try and get the rest of the achievements and enjoy the DLC and mercenaries mode, which I never played much the first time.

Said bye-bye to my DS Lite.

@themanwithnoname I had to order it because they are only shipping it for pre-orders in Canada. I will get mine next week-ish hopefully.

@JPL78 I saw an interesting deal yesterday. Buy Conviction and receives SC: DA free. I think they bundle more old games with new releases. Just a hint.... You may want to get SC:DA to 1000 GS to avoid having to get it a 4th time!

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Seece said:
NeoRatt said:
Seece said:
Just an FYI, I need my L4D2 plat, currently have the highest score

Yes, I missed it...  Not one of my better update weeks...  I'll clean everything up this weekend.  Thanks.

It's fine, I imagine it's a big job to do, bound to have your off days!!

I'm surprised nobody noticed the season league points were wrong.  Anyhow, I should have an updtate in tomorrow night for the league points.  I have to go through all this year's spreadsheets and forensically add all the totals up again.

Neo, yeah, certain games I get rid of prematurely. I bought Dead Rising three times. Actually, playing Conviction and really not liking it that much, in some odd way increased my love of Double Agent because its more traditional splinter cell. My problem at this point, despite being so close to getting almost all the remaining achievements, I need help at this point because some of the challenges require two people for the missions. eNamrah said he picked up a copy but he's not going to get around to it until after Alan Wake. I guess I'll focus on RE5 for the time being.

Actually I need to get into game room and post some challenge scores with you guys. I'm never going to get those few achievements if I don't step it up. I'm having some problems overall with Gameroom. When you play in a challenge your gameplay amounts to nothing except the challenge. Your score doesn't post to your overall leaderboard and you don't get medals no matter how you perform in challenges. So if you have that one amazing game of Super Breakout where you manage to not die instantly constantly, and somehow kick some butt in the challenge.... it doesn't nothing to help you what so ever except for competing in the challenge. Seems flawed to me. Leaderboards need to be consistent across the entire game.

Neo what's wrong with it exactly? I mean, I can't tell but I don't follow everyone's progress every week, so if there was a problem I wouldn't notice. Its killing me waiting on the update. Between a lot of game room and the harder conviction achievements I should have a good TA rating this week, as well as a new plat, so I'm really dying to see the results.

But I looked at the league season and I don't see anything weird, maybe I'm missing it.

NeoRatt said:
@themanwithnoname I had to order it because they are only shipping it for pre-orders in Canada. I will get mine next week-ish hopefully.

@JPL78 I saw an interesting deal yesterday. Buy Conviction and receives SC: DA free. I think they bundle more old games with new releases. Just a hint.... You may want to get SC:DA to 1000 GS to avoid having to get it a 4th time!

Cool, please post impressions whenever you start playing it as I'm interested to hear how it is.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

I just want to say.... fuck capcom's dead grandmother with a 12 inch black dildo.

*haha, spell checker just verified dildo as a valid word*

But seriously, are game designers all smoking large amounts of crack now days?

I just ask this, because for the life of me I just simply cannot figure out why you would make a 3 to 4 hour piece of DLC with NO ABILITY TO SAVE YOUR GAME WHAT-SO-EVER.

Because, you see, I just basically spent 3 hours of my life playing Lost in Nightmare for RE5, only to have to leave the game only to find out, YOU CAN'T SAVE.

Have to leave the game? Fuck you in the ass, start all over next time. Nevermind the fact that first hour of gameplay involves running around picking up items.... make the player do it all again.

Then, for fun, I have an idea.. Rob the players of all items what so ever and put them in a "puzzle pit" where to bad ass mo-fo's rape them over and over, mainly because they have no weapons or ammo, or health, and when all is said and done, if the person actually has a life and has to leave, FUCK EM', make them do it all over from scratch because we are too lazy as game designers to actually implement a save system.

Also, while you are at it, how about we make gamers pay extra money for content like versus mode that is ALREADY ON THE DISK. That'll be great, rape those fools for ever cent they own. Just to play a mode that is already on the disk... that'll be great. Maybe if we keep doing shit like this we can drive all logical players completely away from even playing games to begin with. That would be cool.

Sorry for the bitch rant, I just don't appreciate flushing 3 hours of my life down the shitter because Capcom is too lazy to make "save game" an ability in their DLC.