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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

I got all the games in the new Game Room pack... Man, I missed Pitfall and Super Breakout!...

Now we need Coleco, Commodore 64, and Dreamcast games...

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@Neo, Megamania rocks! I never played that as a child but if I had that on my 2600 I would have absolutely loved it....

Also Neo, just a heads up, I got second place in Conviction. Much in part thanks to eNamrah's help.

@JPL78. The first time I played Megamania was for your tourny invite. I really thought it was good. This weekend I am going to spend some quality time with Game Room seeing if I can even compete with RONSTER316 in the tournies you invited us to... Also, I have to keep one of the few platinums I own... Going for Level 17 this weekend.

I see they have announced next week's games... Battlezone, Keystone Kapers, Soccer, Canyon Bomber, Night Driver, Oink!, and Mega Zone. I only remember Battlezone.

I think we had Night Driver it sparked a memory.

Results won't be up until Friday night in North America (Saturday morning in Europe).

I have a ton of real work to do tonight.

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Results are up for everything except the league standings...

I have to go through them and figure out what's wrong as the numbers aren't adding up properly for the season...

I thought there was another week remaining in the Conviction tournament. It's listed as completed.

It's depressing to see the list of members and realise a ton of them never post here anymore. But at the same time, it keeps us tied together and seeing them score achievement points lets us know they're okay.

Just an FYI, I need my L4D2 plat, currently have the highest score


eNamrah said:
I thought there was another week remaining in the Conviction tournament. It's listed as completed.

You are correct, I have some cleaning up to do.