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The Secret World is supposed to come down the pipeline eventually. I really like what I've seen of it so far.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

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Got a few achievements this week.

Thanks to getting another copy of Assassin's Creed 2.

I just noticed that Splinter Cell has aquired platinum status in the league...

NeoRatt said:
I just noticed that Splinter Cell has aquired platinum status in the league...

Congrats eNamrah.  Not bad for someone who had never played a splinter cell game before this.

I still hate I lost the plat in Double Agent and I would try to take it back but I don't have Double Agent anymore. No one even contested it for years and then IcingDeathWrath took it by 5 measly gamerscore.

I rate Conviction lowest of the series.   I would say from best to worst its Chaos Theory, the first Splinter Cell, Double Agent close behind and then Pandora Tommorow and Conviction.

JPL78 said:
NeoRatt said:
I just noticed that Splinter Cell has aquired platinum status in the league...

Congrats eNamrah.  Not bad for someone who had never played a splinter cell game before this.

I still hate I lost the plat in Double Agent and I would try to take it back but I don't have Double Agent anymore. No one even contested it for years and then IcingDeathWrath took it by 5 measly gamerscore.

I rate Conviction lowest of the series.   I would say from best to worst its Chaos Theory, the first Splinter Cell, Double Agent close behind and then Pandora Tommorow and Conviction.

I think Ubisoft did a great job on the story.  Once I got started I found I couldn't stop until the end.  The big thing about Conviction is it felt like it was incomplete.  Graphics are excellent, sound excellent, story excellent, stealth gameplay incomplete...

I would have like to seen:

- Whistling and other destraction opportunities in the environments (start truck and send it through entrances, tip over things, etc.)

- Body dragging and hiding

- More routes in each level (More access to air systems in buildings, more variety then just pipes to climb [more ladders, access to chains] , more wall climbing, etc.)

- Smarter AI

- Better shooting mechanics

- Maybe a mini-game to pick locks (and have locks) on doors

- Maybe a mini-game for hacking computers

Overall it was a great game...  But, I can't help but think what would have made it an unbelievably great game.

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Got my 1000gs in Ninja Turtles. I'm so ashamed!!

Also, I noticed several people in my friends list playing SSF4, last night. I'm grabbing it in about 2 hours. The achievements look pretty tough but it should make for an interesting tournament! I'm going for the gold!!

Neo, I agree with that. I did like the story and graphics and presentation. I didn't like the constant obnoxious cussing from the thugs, it was a little too immature for an Ubisoft Montreal game. Otherwise sound and music was good.

Your list of things that would have improved it, its basically everything they took out of the game since Chaos Theory.

In general controls worked much better and stealth was more satisfying. Gadgets were better and you weren't overwhelmed by sheer brute force.

Also, multiplayer suffers greatly by limiting itself to 2 players. And the modes are greatly limited and repetitive. Co-op story was cool but I don't see anything worth going back to. If they had Spys versus Mercs or other team based modes, as well as online character leveling and ranking, then I could see a long term appeal.

I'm thinking about getting a GameFly account so I can finally play more games.

Any complaints from anybody? How fast do they deliver new game releases?

d21lewis said:
Got my 1000gs in Ninja Turtles. I'm so ashamed!!

Also, I noticed several people in my friends list playing SSF4, last night. I'm grabbing it in about 2 hours. The achievements look pretty tough but it should make for an interesting tournament! I'm going for the gold!!

It's almost like everyone's GS should be reduced by 3,000...  Remove Avatar Burning Earth, King Kong, and TMNT...

^^And don't forget Fight Night 3! I'm saving that one for a rainy day.