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Thanks again Neo. How did you ever get 13 plus for a TA ratio last week? The newer the better I guess. Is there a way to see what games are best cause I can't find it. If it's new, obscure or incredibly hard it's probably up there. My best are from Ninja Blade and Gaiden 2. Still only 3 or so.

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The weekly chart doesn't make sense...

I don't know what's off, its like everyone has extra points in each category except under the heading total league week points which reflects a smaller number.

Like according to my listing I earned tournament points and plat points this week, neither of which is true. Just a little confusing.

Recon1O1 said:
Thanks again Neo. How did you ever get 13 plus for a TA ratio last week? The newer the better I guess. Is there a way to see what games are best cause I can't find it. If it's new, obscure or incredibly hard it's probably up there. My best are from Ninja Blade and Gaiden 2. Still only 3 or so.

I got the high TA last week because of Game Room.  It was at one time over 15,000 TA points...

The best way to look at game TAs is to go to the True Achievements web site, goto "Site Pages" and then "Games".  It will list all the games made, and you can click the "TA Ratio" column header to sort by TA Ratio.  The higher the ratio, the better the TA for that game.

JPL78 said:
The weekly chart doesn't make sense...

I don't know what's off, its like everyone has extra points in each category except under the heading total league week points which reflects a smaller number.

Like according to my listing I earned tournament points and plat points this week, neither of which is true. Just a little confusing.

You are correct and I will fix it later today. 

What I did was inadvertently copied the "Season to Date" totals for the detail columns rather then the weekly totals.  The final total is right, just the detail supporting it is wrong.

The totals are right I believe. If you add the pts. in each separate cat. they = the total but you're right the weekly league chart shows all the plats and tourney pts. for the season. Nice gs this week and I see you restored 'Balance' to the Universe. I only earned the 3 plat. pts. and that shows on the bottom line.

P.S.  See Neo beat me to it.  Thanks, not sure how I missed 'sort by' over at TA.

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JPL78 said:
The weekly chart doesn't make sense...

I don't know what's off, its like everyone has extra points in each category except under the heading total league week points which reflects a smaller number.

Like according to my listing I earned tournament points and plat points this week, neither of which is true. Just a little confusing.


Peggle will be platinum next week due to tkul815 joining the league and pushing it to 20 owners...

Welcome aboard tkul815...


Anyone checked out the achievement list for Splinter Cell yet?

It looks doable, except for the one about being undetected on one round of Hunter on realistic difficulty. Yeah, that's gonna stink.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

yungmagic09 said:
So how long did it take some of you to beat Mass Effect 2. I'm thinking about buying it soon.

I actually spent just over 40 hours on my first playthrough, that was with seeing everything minus mining enough for all the upgrades. I don't care how good those upgrades are, mining got old pretty fast. Great game though!

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

Mining is stupefyingly dull. Spent 40 something on my first ME2. All loyaltiy missions done but only half of those semi-explorable planets.

I had been saying Adept was better than Vanguard for Insanity. Now I'm not so sure. It's more fun but still low in health. The best are Sentinal and Infiltrator to me. Your level has a lot to do with how tough the AI is. At level 30 hardcore gets rough unless you have serious shielding or a big health bonus. I wonder if the AI levels beyond the cap? A good sniper can really limit incoming at distance.

I don't enjoy cowering in cover much but I hate getting knocked out of cover and killed while 'Shep.' staggers around like a drunk.