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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

JPL78 said:
Was the last song in Guitar Hero Metallica on guitar supposed to be a joke?

Yeah lol i noticed that too..I think they were going for more of a theme instead of hardness...


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Forza motorsport 2 has a few achievements that are only worth 1 point, it has a 2 point achievement too.

Tiger woods 09 has a 0 achievement but its not one to be proud of, its for reaching the shot limit (i got it last 'cos i wanted the full set of achievements)

Civilization Revolution keeps giving me achievements with scores of 3 or 5 points. It's starting to piss me off.



Deity level on Civ Rev is driving me nut!! I finally got Technology win on that, now I got to work on the other three. Computer players cheat so much at that level...

woo hoo! 50,000 gamerscore finally!

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JPL78 said:
woo hoo! 50,000 gamerscore finally!

Damn that's a lot, I should reach 20,000 gamerscore soon.


Gratz JPL! I wonder when I'll hit 20k >

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Thanks guy, heh, another 3 and half years and I might hit 100k.

Graham, the way you've been going lately it shouldn't take too long.

Shura said:
NeoRatt said:
Shura said:
I demand a recount, I did 895 points (more or less) from april 3 to april 8, not 595.

 I will look into it on Wednesday when I get back in North America.


 Thank you

I was able to spend a few minutes this evening on this...

I have concluded that you probably got the extra 300 achievements after I pulled the numbers Wednesday.  Specifically, I saw 250 in Halo 3 (Heroic and Normal game completion)  My guess is that you continued to play other games accounting for the other 50 achievements after I pulled the numbers.  I did pull the numbers earlier then usual Wednesday as I was getting ready for my trip.


JPL78 said:
Neo, for some reason it says my VGChartz name is sublime78 again but its JPL78 now same as my gamertag.

I really thought someone was going to earn some points in RE5 versus mode and top 1000 right before the race ended. I traded it in because I was pretty much done with it and then when we found out versus mode was on the disk the whole time and they are just charging five dollars for an unlock key, I love Capcom but screw that man that's total crap!

You will be JPL78 on the next update.