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Oh and I forgot, there are achievements worth 0 points. Blue Dragon and COD: WaW have 0 point achievements.

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nordlead said:
eNamrah said:
@nordlead: I've seen achievements run anywhere in value from 1 to 400. Madden '06 has a 400 point achievement. I believe that is the largest achievement. Many early 360 games have large single achievement values. I think MS eventually forced game makers to take their game's achievements more seriously. It's now difficult to find an achievement worth more than 200 on most recently released games.

so, could there be an achievement worth 3 points, or 7 points?


The Orange Box has achievements that are 2 points and 13 points.


Here are the achievements for Banjo-Tooie (XBLA), can't wait until it's released.

ok thanks. I got enough information to do what I need to

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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^No I despise Vin Diesel and any video games he's in including the Wheelman.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

There is a 500 point Achievement....

Former something....

I've changed my gamertag to nopantsHoslappa.

Not a 360 fanboy, just a PS3 fanboy hater that likes putting them in their place ^.^

Halo 3 has plenty of achievements that give 0 points.